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Lisa Shares Her Thyroid Biopsy Story (VIDEO)

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Lisa Shares Her Thyroid Biopsy Story (VIDEO)
Lisa Shares Her Thyroid Biopsy Story (VIDEO)
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Lisa recalls her thyroid biopsy procedure, which would indicate if she had thyroid cancer.

The experience of having a biopsy on your thyroid, which is right around here, is really not that invasive. You can drive yourself to the procedure. You don’t need to go under any anesthesia to have it done. Basically, the hardest part about it is not swallowing. They take a fine-needle aspiration from it and they just stick the needle right into the thyroid, again, right around here and they take a biopsy. I believe they took three.

They do it ultrasound-guided so they know exactly where they are getting their biopsy from, and I have heard that, I am at a very good facility, Cedars-Sinai, and they have ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsies. So, some places just might go in and just get a random part of the thyroid which might not give you the best accurate results that you need to determine what’s happening. So, thankfully, I am at a facility that did ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration.

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EmpowHER Guest

very interesting

January 20, 2010 - 4:25pm
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