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Another "Pregnant? or just Stress-induced missed period?" question

By March 30, 2009 - 8:05pm
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The start of my most recent period was on Feb 26 - projected ovulation date being March 14, projected next period March 28 (via MyMonthlyCycles, where I have been keeping track of my period for 1 year). Average cycle - 30 days.

We had protected intercourse on March 3 and 24. The condom didn't break; slipped down maybe an inch but we pushed it right back up.

Now my period is 3 or 4 days late (depending if you count the 28th), with no usual signs of cramping etc that I normally get. Took two HPT's and both came out negative. Discharge looks normal, no tenderness of breasts or anything. I have had a little bit of an upset stomach but I think I may just be getting sick - I am under quite a bit of stress.

I know it's unlikely that I am pregnant, but I am paranoid since I can't afford to have a child right now. I have heard that stress really can throw off a regular period (I have been regular for 8 years now), but I have a hard time believing it since I am so paranoid... help? I don't know what's wrong with me!

Have a GYNO appt coming up in a month, but I'm the type of person who likes to know without going to the doc! It sure would be nice if my period would come!

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EmpowHER Guest

So I had unprotected sex about a month ago but he only did like two strokes because I was scared. Right after I had a shorter period but this month I haven't had a period. I'm really worried. I just went to the stomach doctor for a check up and he took a blood test. When he got back the results could he see if I was pregnat? HELP:/

August 3, 2013 - 12:34pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

hi! i have the same situation now. the difference is i induced my period last month. how was the result? are you okay now? im really afraid. i took pregnancy test last month twice and its negative but this month my period seems not coming again

September 11, 2013 - 7:51pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi empowher!

Me (22) and my girlfriend (20) are not having intercourse but engage in oral and fingering once a week. We do it in turns meaning that we finish her first then go to the bathroom and wash and then its my turn. We see to it that we are not naked at the same time. Her period was due last July 22 and today is the 28th. She's been experiencing her usual PMS like acne, mild cramps, mood swings among others the past week but still no sign of her period. She just started at her job and usually works late (sometimes she's in office for 14 hours) and she's being stressed almost everyday. Is there a possibility that she's pregnant or her period being late is due to stress from work? Thanks.

July 27, 2013 - 6:29pm
EmpowHER Guest

My last period was June 1st. Based off internet i found my ovulation days for that month should have been between the 12-15, the guy finished inside so im pretty sure i am pregnant yet have doubts or just in denial. My first doubt is he may not be fertile however i only believe so because he had trouble getting and keeping an erection. My second reason is stress im scared i really am because im already a single mother to two w no help at all i can't afford another.

July 10, 2013 - 2:48am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Also only usual symptom I do have is the missed period or late period

July 10, 2013 - 2:53am
EmpowHER Guest

Hello, I have some concerns regarding my period being late.

So my boyfriend came to visit me for summer vacation and we haven't had intercourse until finally after 6 months from the last time I did it. My period is a 28-day cycle; my last period was May 11 - May 17. I was supposed to start my period 4 days ago which was June 8 but it still hasn't come.
My boyfriend is very cautious whenever he puts the condom and after we are finished he checks for leaks or breakage (running his finger down the condom) He found nothing wrong with it; no leaks or breakage.

I'm wondering if my period is late due to my constant stress about whether or not being pregnant (cant sleep due to my constant paranoia)... I haven't had any symptoms of early pregnancy but I have been getting the usual signs of my period (cravings, acne, mood swings, no cramps). Also this month my sleeping schedule changed to where I have to wake up earlier than normal and also going to bed earlier. I had stress over my school/grades also. I worked out for the first time from forever ago.

Oh and just to be on the safe side and so my boyfriend doesn't have to keep hearing my paranoia and worries, we found the vitamin c remedy just in case. (It helps with late periods I heard and also messes with the wall lining climate) We weren't sure if I actually was pregnant or not and plus we don't know if this even works. I did some research but there were some that said it does not work and some that said they do but i don't know haha..
I haven't checked with a pregnancy test yet though just in case my period starts... my boyfriend also told me that he feels like I'm about to start because the way I act (I usually act in a certain way when I'm about to start I guess)

So in conclusion, I'm stressed over this even though there was no leakage or breakage in the condom, no signs of pregnancy, and Im the only one whos freaking out while my boyfriend is the one telling me to calm down and that im fine.. I am 17 years old... I have scary parents (if I get pregnant probably get kicked out of the house or something), my boyfriend lives in another state, and I'm still in highschool. Not sure its because of the constant stress or the fact that my hormones changed from not having sex in awhile (but I heard it doesn't effect it)

June 12, 2013 - 4:22am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Also we had sex on May 31 and June 7

June 12, 2013 - 4:30am

I'm 11 days delayed from my usual 32 days cycle, my cycle is irregular. April 24 was my last period, and yesterday i took a pregnancy test to check whether it is positive or negatve, luckily, its negative. We had a do of my bf last may 22, and that was our first time this yr. i'm a paranoud lady here because yesterday, i felt that my breasts are hurting and tender. And i am stressed from taking my board exam and stressed again for the results and waiting for my mens to come. Am i really delayed due to stress or what? Thank you!

June 5, 2013 - 1:18am
Guide (reply to Cia-anne)

Hello Cia-anne,

I hope that your period has started. If not, and the urine test was negative, you might want to consider consulting your physician. The delay may be stressed induced or you might have a hormonal imbalance.


June 10, 2013 - 4:59pm

I am 20 and have been on the pill for a few years. I very occasionally miss a pill and have sex.. i cannot remember the last time i have done this (although it could be a possibility). When my boyfriend and i have sex, we do not use a condom but he withdraws. Recently (in the last week) i have been frequently going to the toilet and its driving me crazy. I have noticed a light pink discharge but it only lasted about 2 days. I am rather stressed with uni work and have been getting really bad mouth ulcers. Do you think i am pregnant or just stressed? I rarely have my period (i choose not to) so wouldnt know when to expect it if i were to stop taking the pill. Thanks!

May 30, 2013 - 10:49pm
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