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Any help for skin that gets sticky when it gets wet?

By July 11, 2009 - 10:13pm
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sticky skin

Three nights ago I noticed that after washing my hands they felt really sticky, almost like when you use the last paper towel on the roll and you get that glue residue on your hands. However, it wasn't the last paper towel so I figured maybe the liquid soap was really old and doing funky things so I rewashed with dish soap and again grabbed a paper towel. Once again, my hands got sticky as I dried them off. Thinking now that there was something wrong with these paper towels, I washed again and this time dried with a hand towel only to yet again find my hands sticky as they dried off. The stickiness only lasts 30-60 seconds, until the skin completely dries, but during that in-between time of soaking wet and totally dry they feel very tacky to the touch and my fingers will actually stick to each other.

The next day when I took a shower I noticed that the water was beading up on the skin on my arms. Sure enough, when I dried off afterwards I found that all of my skin is tacky to the thouch until it is completely air dried.

Today I shaved my legs and my skin felt almost like it had a layer of wax on it that kept catching the razor. The skin on my hands seems to be getting more sticky when they get wet. Water continues to bead on my skin when it gets wet. I asked my children if they can feel that my skin is sticky to the touch and they said yes.

This is affecting all of my skin now, including my face. I always put a moisturizer on my face after washing and it does not feel like my skin is absorbing it now, it just feels heavy and greasy since the lotion just sits there on top. I also tried putting lotion on my hands and it was not absorbed at all, just left my hands feeling very slimy and greasy so I wiped it off.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this or have any suggestions for what might be causing it? Thanks for any held you can give.

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EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Ah...thanks for the replies. I have the same sticky skin problem...it only happened a week ago.. i first thought it was the water...Hanging out washing is not a nice experience.

I am wondering if some of the medications I have been on for the last 7 mths might have soemthing to do with it...they are some full on meds, and i have had a few other problems with them.

The other thing i am wondering about is the napi-san oxyaction that I have only started suing in the last mth.....does anyone else use this washing powder? is it possible its that?

I'm more inclined to think some external has caused this...but what? I am not sure....


October 16, 2011 - 6:03pm

I've made some posts that did say I was told it was minerals in the water. Just trying to see how others experience this.

October 16, 2011 - 6:27am
EmpowHER Guest

has anyone considered it may be the water?

October 15, 2011 - 3:50pm

You mean sebum I think. A naturally occurring substance that, for one thing, can be behind acne.

October 4, 2011 - 7:01am
EmpowHER Guest

i also started using a white cotton bedsheet and wrapping part of it over a finger and rubbing the sticky parts very hard, which helped to remove most of the remaining stickiness leaving light brown marks on the sheet - i reckon its an overproduction of cebum in the skin or somesuch.............. cliffy

October 4, 2011 - 5:32am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

p.s. ensure the bit of sheet around finger is slightly damp before rubbing skin.... cliffy

October 4, 2011 - 5:39am

Our water is checked by town water department regularly and we get a report annually. We have deep wells, which are usually hard water versus surface water often not hard water. Search on internet for sticky and hard water and this also talks about hard water and minerals. May or may not be soap involved. You can soften your water but that has its own issues. Hard water is said to have no health issues, and likely is healthy with the minerals in diet and some studies show fewer heart attacks.

October 2, 2011 - 5:41pm
EmpowHER Guest

My daughters and I have experienced the "sticky" feeling after running the water over our hands. Soap doesn't have to be involved at all, just water. I think it's something in the water. It doesn't happen every time just SOMETIMES. I am anxious to find out what 's going on.

October 2, 2011 - 3:38pm

I asked a plumber and he said it is minerals in the water. I have hard water. When I wash my hands in the kitchen sink or take a shower upstairs, my fingers - skin are sticky until dry. And my eyelids often just feel sticky as I don't soap that area, I guess.

September 25, 2011 - 4:26pm
EmpowHER Guest

hi, i have had this for about a year and find that having very hot baths (not scolding) every couple of days with a dash of bleach and using shower gel, helps to remove much of the stickiness and leaves a waxy residue in the bath afterwards.... regards, cliffy

September 13, 2011 - 10:45pm
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