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Hi I had my period last month 2/9 and ended 2/14. It's now 3/18 and no period, am I pregnant?

By Anonymous March 18, 2009 - 9:58am
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Hi, I am 26 years old and am irregular with my periods. However I usually get them around the end of the month or beginning of the next. I would say within the first two weeks of the month at the latest.

Anyway, I had my last period 2/9 and ended 2/14. I had sex with my bf several times between the 14th and 20th. After that we still had sex however he would not cum inside me. However once or twice he may have accidently allowed a small amount to get in but I would urinate right after. Is it possible to push all the sperm out by urinating?

It's now 3/18 and no period. My breasts are a little sensitive, however I do not feel fatigue or cramps which I usually get before my period.

I have been stressing and so I took 3 pregnancy tests and they came back positive. Am I definately pregnant? Is it possible that it can show positive bc I am stressing and not really pregnant? How can I tell for sure?

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I've had my period twice a month march 1-6 then march 30-april 3 which is three days after sex. Now I'm feeling cramps,tired, and headaches, could i be pregnant? or could it be because february is a short month?

April 10, 2010 - 5:06pm
(reply to ipretty)


Hi, and welcome to EmpowHer! Let's see what we can figure out.

So March 1 was Day 1 of that cycle.

That means that March 30 was day one of your next cycle. That is 29 days apart, which is pretty normal. How far apart are your periods normally?

And now (about 11 days later) you are feeling tired and crampy and headachy. No, I don't think you can be pregnant. The March 30-April 3 period pretty much guarantees that. You might just be feeling tired and run down; are you under a lot of stress?

And in terms of your question about February, yes, since it is a short month, that's why you had two periods that were in March. If February had been 30 days long, for instance, you would have started on Feb. 29 or 30 instead of March 1.

It's more important to know the number of days between your cycles than it is to know the calendar date, for exactly this reason. I think you're fine, but that you might need some rest or relaxation for the fatigue and headaches... are they common?
Or is this out of the ordinary for you?

April 12, 2010 - 10:09am
EmpowHER Guest

I'm scared,that never happpened 2me before I only been with one guy we still 2gether we been 2gether for 3yrs we had sex before all the time nuttin ever happpen but 2day we had sex again I bled during.we had 2stop I was bleeding as if my period was on and it wasn't. my period been done for weeks although my period came twice this month probably cause of stress.after a few minutes the bleeding stopped.I'm not on medications or birth control I have no health issues I don't know what to think,what can cause this?

March 25, 2010 - 7:01pm
(reply to Anonymous)


You say your period had been done for weeks, though it came twice this month due to stress. If I had to guess, I would guess that the stress has your hormones a little overloaded right now and this is why you are having episodes of bleeding. However, it could be other things as well.

Are you having cramping? Is there any abdominal pain associated with the bleeding after sex?

You first wrote to us a couple of weeks ago; has this happened since then?

April 12, 2010 - 10:00am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Diane Porter)

I dnt feel any pain after or during sex..the first time my period came early I didn't have any cramp but the second time my period came on march 30 I felt cramp that stop nd goes for for 2days..I usually cramp during my menstrual cycle

April 13, 2010 - 4:00pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Diane Porter)

I dnt feel any pain after or during sex..the first time my period came early I didn't have any cramp but the second time my period came on march 30 I felt cramp that stop nd goes for for 2days..I usually cramp during my menstrual cycle

April 13, 2010 - 4:00pm
EmpowHER Guest

I'm scared,that never happpened 2me before I only been with one guy we still 2gether we been 2gether for 3yrs we had sex before all the time nuttin ever happpen but 2day we had sex again I bled during.we had 2stop I was bleeding as if my period was on and it wasn't. my period been done for weeks although my period came twice this month probably cause of stress.after a few minutes the bleeding stopped.I'm not on medications or birth control I have no health issues I don't know what to think,what can cause this?

March 25, 2010 - 6:59pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am having a similar experience I believe... I ovulated around the 10th or 12th of feb and now its the 17th of march with no period.. I feel I have experienced most symptoms i do before my period (lower back pain, irratibility, headaches, dizziness because of slight anemia) and the only one that seems to have remained is nipple tenderness...
I have taken three pregnancy tests and they are all three negative. i took them three days apart from eachother, each during the first urination of the morning. still they are all negative.
i have recently started working out after being completely dormant for YEARS. i ran something around a total of 25 miles this last month....
I am not trying to get pregnant. I am not on any oral contraceptive. my boyfriend usually pulls out while wearing a condom but in the past few weeks he has been finishing inside while still wearing a condom. i have struggled with an irregular system in the past but i have been pretty normal for about 6 months until now....
what should i do?? i am so stressed with school and my boyfriend just moved in with me... i am really worried....:(

March 17, 2010 - 9:16am
(reply to Anonymous)


I actually see three reasons in your question that could be responsible for your period being late or missing, and none of them really have to do with sex. (That would be the fourth.)

First, the fact that you recently started working out (Congratulations! Go you!!!) after being dormant for years and that you ran 25 miles this month can be completely responsible for the change in your menstrual cycle. By exercising, we actually do change up the levels of hormones in our bodies, and it can take a little while to adjust. Are you eating normally or has there been a change in that as well?

2. The fact that you are really stressed over school can affect your cycle.

3. The fact that your boyfriend just moved in -- which is wonderful, but is also a whole other level of stress, isn't it? -- can also affect your cycle.

In short, all these things mean that you have had an extraordinary month. I have no doubt that this is what's causing your cycle to be irregular (especially since you used to be irregular). Your hormones are just a little crazy from the changes, but they should settle themselves down over time.

Now, to the sex. If you don't want to get pregnant and don't want to take birth control pills, you have to be extra sure that the condoms never break. If they do, you'll want to go to the pharmacy and get Plan B, the morning after pill. It's best to take it within 24 hours, but as long as you take it within 72 hours you should be fine.

Does this help a little? I would expect your period will come, either late or perhaps you're just skipping a month. Since the pregnancy tests are all negative, I think your body is just responding to the enormous changes of the last month. Once things settle down a bit, I think your cycle will, too.

March 18, 2010 - 9:59am
EmpowHER Guest

my period usually comes on da 31 of every month it came on the 28 on february it was normal it lasted 5 days.I was still ovulating meaning I was having vaginal discharge not blood den I had sex den a day after my period came bak lightly den heavy but it comes nd goes its only been 1 day since it came bak wut should I think?

March 13, 2010 - 9:23am
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