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Tubes are tied but still concerned I could be pregnant. Period is MIA.

By Anonymous March 31, 2009 - 10:43am
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Hello and thank you in advance to all who try to help =)

I had my tubes tied after my last pregnancy (17 months ago) and since then I have not paid much attention to what day of the month my period starts. I do know I had my period in February (my guess is I started on the 14th or 21st - it was a Sat. and towards the later part of the month) and it's now going on April and I have not had a period. I know it's very unlikely that I could get pregnant after having my tubes tied BUT I conceived my three boys extremely easily. I'm just a fertile mertile ;) So, I do not doubt my bodies ability to get pregnant. I did take a pregnancy test last thursday (March 26) and it was negative. I don't currently have health insurance, if I did I would just make an appt to see my Doctor. What are your thoughts? Think I could be pregnant? FYI my periods are never late. If anything they come early and they last abour 7-8 days (ugh!!).

~ K

P.S. If I were indeed pregnant would I get a positive pregnancy test if it was an ectopic pregnancy?

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I also had my tubes tied in 12\14\2009.. I hace has my period every month well now im 10 days late and i had Brown dishcharge last week, and pink spotting. What's going on !!!

June 11, 2015 - 8:19pm
Guide (reply to rubi)

Hello rubi,

In some cases, pregnancy following a tubal ligation can occur because of recanalization Recanalization occurs when the ends of the fallopian tube regenerates and form slit-like spaces and pouches or the ends of the tubes meet and re-establish the patency of the tube.

Take a home pregnancy test. Test in the morning and use the first urine of the day.

Or, just call your gynecologist to report this.


June 22, 2015 - 9:05am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Hello, I had my tubes tied in 2007. I had my last menstrual on September 2nd and a week later I started spotting. I have been going to the restrooms a whole lot and everytime I wipe it pink. My breast are tender and my nipples itch real bad. What is wrong with my body.

August 19, 2015 - 5:41pm
EmpowHER Guest

I had my tubes tide in 2001. My cycles are generally 30-34 days. My last menstrual cycle began April 19th 2015. It was normal. Today is June 2nd and still haven't started my period. I thought i Ovulated on May 5th 2015. But obviously not. I haven't had any unusual new stressors in my life. I have noted lower back pain and mild cramping. Did i ovulate late?

June 1, 2015 - 9:13pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Im updating my status...I started spotting today June 6 2015...I do believe this begins my cycle...I guess I ovulated about 2 weeks later than I expected...

June 6, 2015 - 12:54pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi am having the same problem but my last period was April 17 2015 and I still haven't started and I have my tubes tide. My boobs are getting bigger tho and I do not no why.

June 5, 2015 - 2:11pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi I am having the same problem I came on in march twice but I didn't come on in april or may this has never happened to me I took a pregnancy test to and I seen a light line and a dark but I went to get a ultrasound and my doctor said everything is normal but I dont feel like it I have cramp my lower back be hurting and everything I eat make my stomach hurt alot and I been this way for two months and six days if I don't come on my menstrual by the end of this month I know im pregnant for sure and it has been five years since I had my tubes tied I got them tied back in 2009 after I got a c~section I need help

June 5, 2015 - 10:09pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

As of June 5th still no menstrual..I have mild cramps..soar breast..no nausea or vomiting..I haven't taken another pregnancy test yet..Guess i will wait a few more weeks then go to the physician..

June 5, 2015 - 4:23pm
EmpowHER Guest

OK so I'm reading a lot of similar issues with other women. I had my tubes tied 09/25/2012 the day my son was born. My period has been regular every month always comes on the 17th. Well February it was normal March it was 2 weeks early, April it came 1 week after it normally does and so far this month (May) it's just not shown up yet. 11 days late and counting but I've been cramping for the past 2 weeks. I don't have insurance and can't afford a did or I would go. I haven't taken a hpt yet cause I've been broke after paying the bills. I'm a single Mom of 3 can't afford a lot ya know. Any advice would be appreciated.

May 29, 2015 - 6:41pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I know it sounds crazy but the dollar store sells pregnancy test that are pretty accurate. Thats how I found out with my pregnancies. You also may be able to apply for medical assistance in your state with having 3 kids not sure of your job pay but it can help and your kids will be insured too for free

June 25, 2015 - 6:06pm
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