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Tubes are tied but still concerned I could be pregnant. Period is MIA.

By Anonymous March 31, 2009 - 10:43am
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Hello and thank you in advance to all who try to help =)

I had my tubes tied after my last pregnancy (17 months ago) and since then I have not paid much attention to what day of the month my period starts. I do know I had my period in February (my guess is I started on the 14th or 21st - it was a Sat. and towards the later part of the month) and it's now going on April and I have not had a period. I know it's very unlikely that I could get pregnant after having my tubes tied BUT I conceived my three boys extremely easily. I'm just a fertile mertile ;) So, I do not doubt my bodies ability to get pregnant. I did take a pregnancy test last thursday (March 26) and it was negative. I don't currently have health insurance, if I did I would just make an appt to see my Doctor. What are your thoughts? Think I could be pregnant? FYI my periods are never late. If anything they come early and they last abour 7-8 days (ugh!!).

~ K

P.S. If I were indeed pregnant would I get a positive pregnancy test if it was an ectopic pregnancy?

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I think I might have had an epiphany! I got my tubes tied in 2012, after I had my 4th child : 42 years old. I immediately thought I could have unprotected sex with my husband whenever the mood struck. I tend to follow my flow, and I have never been so messed up in my entire life! Firstly, I am extraordinarily fertile! I have been in and out of my obgyenough. I keep being advised to take birth control. I don't want that crap. Every time we have sex, the following 2 months are sheer hell! I gain significant amount of weight. I have all the early pregnancy woes, irregular bleeding, then I miss, then it's 30 days of bleeding. I believe my body believes it's about to be pregnant and has a chemical reaction! I am barely able to pick my head off my pillow! I told my husband that we need to go back to condoms again because I feel that the ejaculate is the cause of all my issues!

April 24, 2015 - 6:58am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi ladies.. im 25 and i had my tubes tied 3yrs ago... i remarried and i been tryin to get prego again... i was spotty on for 3 days(bby light pink blood)only when i would wipe myself .. at first i thought it was my rag but i jus had finished (march 29-april 6 )....so i freak out fora bit

April 19, 2015 - 11:07pm
EmpowHER Guest

I've been having the same symptoms. I have a five month old got my tubes tied in October 2014. I've been nauseated just bout everyday, certain smells make me gag my period last month was a week late but extremely heavy. My lower stomach is slightly hard. I have four children each one was different. An my periods never are messed up. An I threw up last night git very shaky an nauseous bad. I dont get tired during the day but I've been dozing on an off here lately an very moody. What does all thus mean? Please help may I add the first test had a very faint positive line second test was negative.

April 19, 2015 - 5:30pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am 36 years old.I had my tubes tied 13 years ago. I have been having regular periods which comes every 28days and stays on for 6-7 days. Febuary was the last month that I saw a regular period;however, on March 23rd my period came down but it was abnormal I was only bleeding for a few hours and then it went off. Since then I have taken 3hpt and they all came out negative and as far as having symptoms I do get dizzy spells every now amd then I Feel nausea sometimes and If I smell something that dont agree with me as far as food perfuems ect. I start gagging to the point that I almost vomit.Im trying to decided if I should go to my OBGYN ASAP or wait to see if my period comes down and its normal this month..Its driving me insaine trying to figure out whats going on I will feel so much better once I get to the bottom of this . I hope that whomever is going through the same or some what simular that you can find the answers that your looking for Good Luck!

April 9, 2015 - 4:28pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I'm having the same problem I've had my tubed tied for 12 yrs. My period comes every month on 1st and last 5-6 days. Last month it came on the 1st like normal & came back on the 27th and lasted 2½ D's days no cramping and it was light.

May 12, 2015 - 2:03am
EmpowHER Guest

Im 34 with 4 kids had my tubes tied in. 2007 been late more than 15 days took test and is negative. I have cramps n blood when i wipe. Could i be pregnant

April 6, 2015 - 6:01pm
EmpowHER Guest

I went to the doctor on March 25th and the doctor told me that it was just gas, and I said what just gas. They also said that I couldn't be pregnant because my tubes are tide, and I just just shook my head. There was no vaginal ultrasound done or nothing, so I'm still a square one with my discomfort and curiousity. I'm having frequent lower back pain now, and my tummy is still doing it's own thing. So, I will know sooner or later if I was pregnant or not in two more months, and I go to the doctor for sharp pains, and find out that I really was pregnant. I will keep everyone updated on my concerns... Thanks for listening...

March 31, 2015 - 3:26pm
EmpowHER Guest

Help? I am almost 31. had my tubes tied in 2013. my period since then has been reliably regular. I haven't had a period since December. tomorrow starts april. I took a preg test two weeks ago with a neg. whats going on?

March 31, 2015 - 12:15pm
EmpowHER Guest

I had my tubes tired going on 3 years now and I've been normal with my periods. I am now 3 days late and I have some systoms like low back pain, neasea (sometime) and fatigued. What could it be am I possible pregent? I did take a test the day after in the middle of the day and it was negitive. I'm just curious.

March 15, 2015 - 10:42am
EmpowHER Guest

I had my tubes tired going on 3 years now and I've been normal with my periods. I am now 3 days late and I have some systoms like low back pain, neasea (sometime) and fatigued. What could it be am I possible pregent? I did take a test the day after in the middle of the day and it was negitive. I'm just curious.

March 15, 2015 - 10:42am
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