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What's going on with my menstrual cycle? Could I be pregnant and still have bleeding?

By May 1, 2012 - 6:58am
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I am 32 and have 3 children. I am not on any birth control and my periods are always on a 28 day cycle. They are always heavy with a lot of clotting and last between 4-6 days. On 4/2/12 I started what I figured was my period but it was really light. My husband and I also had sex the same day with a possibility of an "oops." I prepared for a heavy flow with a pad and it didn't get anything on it all day. I only had blood when I wiped. It wasn't as light as spotting but I have never had such a light period. The next morning it was pinkish brown when I wiped. Halfway through the day it was completely gone. I never had that happen before. I did a bunch of searching online and it sounded like implantation bleeding. I didn't want to freak out so I said I would wait until my next period to see. Now I did notice that I didn't have any cramps or tender breasts at all this "period(?)," which is strange because I also get really bad cramps and sore breasts every month. That was actually really nice for a change. The day after it was over I started having sort of period-like cramps for 10 days straight with no period. I was about to call the doctor because it was so weird, but then it stopped. On 4/28/12 I had spotting no cramps or sore breasts. One time I wiped and it was very small amount of pink tinged with just a little bit of brown streaks. It was only one time that day and one time the next day 4/29/12. Then nothing else until about 1 pm the next day 4/30/12. I actually went to WalMart and bought a pregnancy test and as I was walking out the door to leave and I felt the period starting feeling. So I haven't used it yet. I am now having that really light flow period like I had on 4/2/12 but have some cramping now. It is 5/1/12 and still having this really light period. All of this is very unusual and I have never ever had anything like this before. I was excited for a minute thinking I might be pregnant (even though I am not really trying to get pregnant) but now I am worried something is wrong "down there." Has this happened to anybody else? Any advise? I have a doctor appointment later this week but I am worried.

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EmpowHER Guest

the same thing has happened to me and am very scared i don't want to get pregnant and no other sickness!!

December 3, 2014 - 12:44pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hello. I was supposed to start my period on the 25 of November. Sometimes my period is one to two days late but never a week. My fiancé and I have been trying to get pregnant for awhile now. I have had light to no bleeding but also once a day a little bit heavier bleeding. My periods are usually pretty heavy so this isn't normal for me. Could I be pregnant?

December 2, 2014 - 2:06pm
EmpowHER Guest

My periods are always ontime (30 day cycles) I'm due for my period in 3 days but last night I had a very slight pinkish spot when I wiped, and now it's gone. Over the weekend I had been feelin extremely moody, emotional, fatigued and depressed. I figured ,ok I'm gonna get my perid soon, but I'm never this moody, or this fatigued (even tho I have lupus and it does affect my cycle but only gives unbearable body aches, this time it didnt). This isn't normal for me. I know I should wait until I miss my period but I was a bit concerned.

December 2, 2014 - 11:19am
EmpowHER Guest

I had my period for 27 days also had sex during my period and it stop and came back i'm wipping blood could I be pregant

November 28, 2014 - 4:30pm
EmpowHER Guest

I'm 41 yrs old I thought I was starting my period but I just have brown stuff coming out. I've been sick with flu like systems for four days. Does anyone know what it could be

November 27, 2014 - 7:08pm
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

The brown vaginal discharge is probably old blood left from your last period.


November 28, 2014 - 11:01am
EmpowHER Guest

So does this mean I have a chance of bring pregnant I had a tubal 19 months ago but have been experiencing weird things this month. Brown bleeding x 4days very light lower back pain body soreness fatigue loss of appetite yet there are days when I'm really hungry can anyone help me?????

November 13, 2014 - 1:33pm
EmpowHER Guest

i am 4 days late stil no period took another pg test still negative

November 6, 2014 - 1:02am
EmpowHER Guest

I am scared I'm sixteen and I have always had heavy periods. It always started were I passed clots the first day and then my cramping stops and I just bleed heavily but my period is two weeks late and I been cramping all that while. I haven't had sex or anything sexual and I'm really worried what if something is wrong:( I have just bleed a little bit with no clots and I'm trying everything to make it Ho heavy so I don't have to worry that something is wrong

November 5, 2014 - 5:07pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am having the same problem have back pain feeks like period pain pickish blood to a bit red not much only when i wipe going on since monday due me period next tuesday what doni do

October 29, 2014 - 8:14am
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