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Got Cellulite? Here's How to Smooth, Firm and Tighten Your Cellulite Zones

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Millions of dollars are spent, every month, by women who wish to rid their skin of the dimples and bumps most commonly known as cellulite. The problem is - most of this money is spent in vain - with no resulting cellulite reduction to show for the time, expense and inconvenience.

In this article I will illustrate the truth about cellulite and the only proven way to get rid of it, permanently

First things first. Cellulite is not a skin condition. Its a structural issue that can be corrected. The dimples and bumps are not a superficial element - they are only the visible effect of what is happening below the outermost layers of the skin.

Second important point: Cellulite is not caused by the build up of 'toxins'. This is simply a bunch of sleazy marketing lingo - that actually sounds like it 'could be' true, to the common woman.

Third important point: Although some overweight women do have cellulite - it's not necessarily a result of excess body fat. There are countless women who are not overweight - who actually have slim bodies - but they do have the dimples and bumps in their trouble spots, such as their legs, butt, hips and thighs.

So, what is cellulite and how can it be reduced?

Cellulite is the visible, superficial result of un-toned, underused muscles, beneath/below the areas of skin which show the cellulite dimples and bumps.

Even women who exercise can still have cellulite. The reason why is that not all exercises can get rid of cellulite. There are some exercises which specifically target, and stimulate, the muscle layers directly underneath the cellulite problem areas. Proper implementation of these cellulite specific exercises are the only proven way to eliminate cellulite.

A general fitness routine is just that - a general exercise program intended for general well-being and health. A cellulite specific exercise program is different in that it consists of a series of very specific exercises which when combined in the same program, result in real and substantial improvements in the female trouble spots.

The reason why these exercises work are because they address the structural causes of the dimples and bumps that show on the outer layer of skin. There is no 'passive' treatment (creams, pills, etc...) that will ever get rid of cellulite - no matter how expensive or how scientific it sounds.

The only way to get rid of cellulite is by changing the physical structure of the supporting muscle layers which sit directly behind/beneath the cellulite skin. When these muscles get firmer and just a little fuller - they push out against the skin - giving it a smoother and tighter appearance.

The beauty of this method is that you don't need to worry about all the different weights and machines of the fitness center because all of these exercises can be done in the privacy of your own home - instead of the crowded and sweaty gym.

The 'Slow Touch', the 'Heel Push', the '9-inch Step Back' and the 'Butt-Thigh Lifter' are just a few of these synergistic cellulite reduction exercises. And since these exercises require no weights or machines, women of all ages can do them - and you can still follow your cellulite removal program even when you travel.

So grab your exercise mat (no leg warmers, please ;-) and give yourself a solid 20 minutes to go through the proper moves - with correct form, tempo & sequence - and watch the improvements come with each passing week.

About the Author:
Joey Atlas, M.S. - Exercise Physiology, is the creator of 'NAKED BEAUTY - The Cellulite Reduction Exercise Program'. Learn more about it at http://www.GetRidofYourCellulite.com

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EmpowHER Guest

Yes....Joey Atlas Product Truth About Cellulite Really effective product for cellulite.

April 10, 2013 - 10:52pm
EmpowHER Guest

I don't need anyone else to prove to me what gets rid of cellulite. The proof is in me. It's not like Joey is pushing a product and not backing his work. He gives out FREE info and videos that really work. AND, he has his money back guarantee. So what do you have to lose if you buy his videos and don't think they work, nothing, because you get your money back.

I love Joey's workout because I can do it at home with virtually no equipment. This is a workout I can do forever and continue to increase the challenge by doing more sets and reps or changing up the order of the circuits. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE working with weights but this workout is an anywhere anytime workout.

You go Joey! Thank you for wanting to help women everywhere.

MrsGixxer from Arizona

August 13, 2011 - 1:36pm
EmpowHER Guest

I don't need anyone else to prove to me what gets rid of cellulite. The proof is in me. It's not like Joey is pushing a product and not backing his work. He gives out FREE info and videos that really work. AND, he has his money back guarantee. So what do you have to lose if you buy his videos and don't think they work, nothing, because you get your money back.

I love Joey's workout because I can do it at home with virtually no equipment. This is a workout I can do forever and continue to increase the challenge by doing more sets and reps or changing up the order of the circuits. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE working with weights but this workout is an anywhere anytime workout.

You go Joey! Thank you for wanting to help women everywhere.

MrsGixxer from Arizona

August 13, 2011 - 1:36pm
EmpowHER Guest

way to put the exercises into detail so we know how to do them. yeah awesome!

June 3, 2010 - 3:04pm
EmpowHER Guest

"Cellulite is the visible, superficial result of un-toned, underused muscles, beneath/below the areas of skin which show the cellulite dimples and bumps."

Nah, that is not the case. Cellulite comes into being when fat accumulates in the subcutaneous connective tissue. So cellulite is the visible result of fat accumulations, although you don't need to be fat to have cellulite. It is mostly genetic whether your body tends to deposit fat there or not. Loosing weight when you are being obese or overweight improves cellulite and working out when you don't already do will tighten your trouble zones, but I think you don't necessarily work out wrong if you still have cellulite. Sure, you could try to lower your bodyfat below 15% or so, but that is not really an option, is it?

May 18, 2010 - 2:39am
EmpowHER Guest

Simply very true :)

April 11, 2010 - 2:27am
EmpowHER Guest

So, you expect me to shell out $1200??!!! What a scam, you must really think everyone out here is an idiot!!

April 7, 2010 - 4:59pm
EmpowHER Guest

80-90 percent of women have cellulite. How the heck is this "empowering" for women to be told that cellulite, which we all have is this terrible thing we need to buy into this Joey character to fix? Here's some real evidence:

"In an interview with the New York Times, Dr. Molly Wanner, an instructor in dermatology at Harvard Medical School and an author of a 2008 evidence-based review of existing treatments, asserted, “At this point, there is no outstanding treatment for cellulite.”

Dr. Michael F. McGuire, a clinical associate professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, confirmed that “realistically there is no cure for cellulite.”"


This article is pathetic, it is the internet version of ads in magazines designed to appear as if they are part of the rest of the content.

January 29, 2010 - 4:44pm
EmpowHER Guest

Just because people are fat and lazy doesn't mean they are lonely, try not to jump to conclusions

January 18, 2010 - 11:14am
EmpowHER Guest

Its amazing what people will believe or put themselves through to avoid plain old fashioned work. If you do the work the changes will come and you will be healthier in the long run. Bashing the guy for putting a healthy option out there... Is well... Childish.

Keep providing options and let the lonely lazy fat people keep doing what they do!

November 6, 2009 - 3:42am
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