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Easing Childhood Fears

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Kids are going to get scared. It may be from things unseen like ghosts and the creatures under their beds or it may be very real things like fire, bugs, dogs, or even the death of a parent.

Whatever the fear may be, typically it is a childhood rite of passage and can be overcome in time. Many of these fears are based on the irrational logic children have as well as vivid imaginations and an appropriately self-centered point of view.

An adult might look at the fears of a child and shrug them off, but these anxieties are very real to kids and should be treated as such. But it is important to remember that not all fear is bad.

Human beings are hard-wired to fear things outside their experience to protect themselves. Children will react the same way. They do not have to have come in contact with a poisonous snake to instinctively know to fear them.

Though almost all children will have to deal with some fears throughout their lives, they will have different fears at different points in their lives. According to WebMD, the most common fears of each stage are unique:

Fears Of A Toddler Or Infant:
Loud sounds or sudden, unexpected movements
Large objects
People who are unknown
Separation from caregiver
Changes in the house or living situation

Fears During Preschool Years (3-5 years olds)
The dark
Loud noises, especially at night
Monsters, ghosts, and other creatures meant to be scary
Animals like dogs

Fears During Elementary Years (kindergarten and beyond)
Snakes, spiders, and other bugs
Storms (especially thunder and lightning) and natural disasters
Being left alone
Fear of an angry teacher or caregiver
Scary news or TV shows
Injury, illness, doctors, shots, or even death
Fear of failing and rejection

Easing childhood fears can be unique to the age of the child. Infants and toddlers need a safe, secure home and childcare environment and anything disrupts that feeling of security can trigger basic fears.

Creating and maintaining a calm, nurturing environment with a predictable schedule is an easy way to calm the fears of the youngest children. Giving them a comfort item at a fearful time, like when separated from their parents, can also help.

With preschool children, talking to them about their fears and helping them disconnect the imaginary from the real should help. Also, taking small steps to introduce things that are feared, like dogs, can help over time.

School-age kids need to talk about their fears so parents can help ease them. Coloring pictures about the fear and role-playing can be helpful too.

The biggest things parents need to remember is to not downplay the fears of children, and to not try to talk them out of their fears either. Rewarding positive efforts and helping them confront fears, even in small ways, can go far in easing a variety of fears at any age.


Childhood Fears and Anxieties
Experts describe how parents can help when their child is afraid.
By Annie Stuart. WebMD. Retrieved March 26, 2012.

Toddlers and fear. Babycenter. Retrieved March 26, 2012.

Reviewed March 27, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith

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