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Should Women Be Concerned About Companies Making Drugs To Treat Sexual Dysfunction? - Sue Goldstein (VIDEO)

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Listen as Sue Goldstein explains if women should be concerned about drug companies making drugs to treat their sexual dysfunction. Sue Goldstein is the program coordinator for San Diego Sexual Medicine at Alvarado Hospital and co-authored the book When Sex Isn't Good, a collection of stories of women with sexual dysfunction.

Sue Goldstein:
One message that women are getting around the world is that treating sexual dysfunction is medicalization. What this means is that treating sexual dysfunction is something that is lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies. I have read this, you have read this, but I am a patient and I am on those medications, and I know it is not true, and it is not fair. If you are a woman and you are suffering because you have sexual dysfunction, if it is causing you distress, why should somebody else tell you that you should not take a medicine because the company is going to get rich with medicine. The companies that make medicine for cancer treatment make money, the companies who make medicines for high blood pressure and for HIV and for any other problem make money. So why is it that when a company wants to make a medicine to help women with sexual dysfunction, we are told they are making up a disease, we are told they just want to make money, and it is not fair to us as women. I do not have any stocks of any company. I have no agenda except for my health and your health because we as women have to stand up together and fight anybody who does not allow us to have care that we need and we deserve.

The World Health Organization says, “Every person has a right to health,” and that includes sexual health. So stand up and be counted and if you want sexual health care, it is your right to demand it.

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