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Would You Admit to Your Number? - VIDEO

By EmpowHER
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Would You Admit to Your Number? - VIDEO
Would You Admit to Your Number? - VIDEO
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Sex, everyone wants to know more about it, so you might as well be more informed on the subject. Shana O'Connor returns to take some time out of our week and talk about sex.

SEX, SEX, SEX…Did that get your attention?? Hi! I’m Shana O’Connor and this is you’re HER Week In Health. Sex is an extremely huge topic here on EmpowHER.com. We get questions about sex all of the time. It’s important to know the facts. So why don’t we take sometime out of our busy week and let’s talk about sex.

According to a survey conducted by Durex condoms, men across the globe have had on average of 13 sexual partners thought their lifetime, while women have had seven. Guys and girls often shy away from honestly discussing their number; too low and they fear embarrassment, too high and they fear being judged. But there’s never going to be a happy medium, as a Comopolitan survey found. According to the survey just 66% of people are happy with their “number”, while 22% wish they’d slept with less people and 12% would have liked to have slept with more. So what’s your number?

A Onepoll study showed that for 56% of women, men’s facial hair is a strong trigger for sexual arousal. Apparently, a man with three days’ worth of stubble is more sexually attractive than a clean shaven man. Sorry to you baby-faces out there. It makes sense if you think about it. Just think about Johnny Depp and George Clooney. According to Comopolitian, though, it is in fact a long, steamy kiss that gets 35.4% of men aroused and in the mood for love. So throw away your razors guys! And ladies, smack on some lipstick or lip gloss and pucker up! You know what to do!!

According to a study completed by Womensday.com, 25% of Americans are living with an incurable STD. The point here? Simple, take care of your own sexual health. If you have suspicions, get tested more frequently. Knowing your body as well as your partner’s and using honesty, sensitivity, and safe sex can ensure you love is the focus, rather than your disease. STD’s can also be transmitted during oral sex, so being in a trusting monogamous relationship and practicing safe sex is the best way to protect yourself from HPV to Chlamydia, also consider a full screening at your next physical.

The moral of the story is be smart and and be safe and most of all have fun. If you have more questions about sex and want more information feel free to visit our FREE Sexual Health 101 resource page here on EmpowHER.com. I’m Shana O’Connor for EmpowHER.com and don’t forget to join us right here every week for another edition of HER Week in Health!

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EmpowHER Guest

The moral of the story is to have less sex partners. In part, what makes us different than animals is that we have the ability to rise above our biological urges and consider the consequences.

January 27, 2013 - 10:08am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

No.. What makes us different then animals is that we HAVE consequences...

February 12, 2013 - 7:14pm
(reply to Anonymous)

And that would be?

February 12, 2013 - 8:00pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

hmmm nice :-)


February 10, 2013 - 11:21pm
EmpowHER Guest

7 sex partners for women of Today is wrong. I would say more like 15 or 20...

December 26, 2012 - 11:50am
EmpowHER Guest

What silly, imature thinking. I have been married and faithful to the woman of my dreams, my best friend and lover for 41 years. We make love several times a week. I doubt the depth of love and respect we have for each other would be possible if we would have bought into crap like this when we young. I have had an average of one sex partner and I am not interested in another. I worship the ground she walks on!!!!!!! How many women out there would love to find a guy who would do the same for them. I doubt you'll find one with your pants down and your legs spread apart.

December 15, 2012 - 11:22pm

But if regularly do this then you have to use Viagra or Virectin .

December 8, 2012 - 12:09am
EmpowHER Guest

She is typical of most woman, dont care about sex,unless its to trick a man into marriage, or have a kid to financially trap him, doesnt that make prostitution sound better?

December 5, 2012 - 7:10pm
EmpowHER Guest

This was the most non-informative story in a long time... Is the writer a new kid on the block? Please don't return until there's something INTERESTING, NEW and WELL-WRITTEN to share.

October 27, 2012 - 12:37am
EmpowHER Guest

what was the point of this article?

October 25, 2012 - 4:50pm
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