I've heard that more women are diagnosed with Alzheimer's compared to men. I found that very interesting. Why do more women experience the disease than men?

Why are more women diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease than men?


My skin always seems to dry out really bad when it gets colder in the winter. I put on a lot of lotion, but it still seems dry. What makes skin get so dry in the winter? Are there any tips to ...

Why does skin get so dry in the winter?


I am 45 years old and would like to have a baby. I have not gone through menopause, but will I be able to go through with pregnancy at an older age? I want to make sure my baby is as healthy as ...

Can I have a baby at 45 years old?


We get vaccines for a variety of illnesses and at different ages. How exactly do vaccines work to prevent illness?

How do vaccines work?


I went to the doctor's for an appointment yesterday and found out I have higher bad cholesterol. It's not really high, but it's outside the suggested amount. I am 22 years old and thought I ate ...

Lauren Smith commented on Lauren Smith's post What are the causes of high cholesterol?


I went to the doctor's for an appointment yesterday and found out I have higher bad cholesterol. It's not really high, but it's outside the suggested amount. I am 22 years old and thought I ate ...

What are the causes of high cholesterol?


I heard the FDA recently approved a new drug for plaque psoriasis called Cosentyx. Could you tell me more about his drug and how it works?

What is the new drug approved for plaque psoriasis like?


Whenever I move my wrist, it makes a clicking sound. Should I be worried about this? What could be causing this noise in my wrist joint?

Is it normal to have a clicking sound in my wrist?


Yesterday I went to the doctor and found out that I have a urinary tract infection. I've been given antibiotics that are helping a lot. I'm also making sure I stay hydrated by drinking lots of ...

Lauren Smith commented on Lauren Smith's post What foods should I avoid with a urinary tract infection?


Yesterday I went to the doctor and found out that I have a urinary tract infection. I've been given antibiotics that are helping a lot. I'm also making sure I stay hydrated by drinking lots of ...

What foods should I avoid with a urinary tract infection?


Whenever temperatures drop and we move into winter months, my skin seems to get much drier. Why is that? Does the temperature change in winter months affect skin?

Why does skin get drier during winter months?


I want to work on building my muscle tone, but I don't want to look too bulky. How can a woman lift weights and focus on muscle building without getting extremely buff? Any advice?

How can women build muscle without becoming too bulky?


Ovarian cancer affects so many women. What are some good ways to prevent ovarian cancer?

What are good prevention practices for ovarian cancer?


I drink bottled water a lot, but it adds up having to buy water bottles all the time. Is it safe to drink sink water or should I stick to bottled water? What's the healthier option?

Is it healthier to drink sink water or bottled water?


My niece just got lice and I think she picked it up from a classmate at school. She's staying out of school for the next few days till it's gone. How do you treat lice? What are the best ways to ...

How can you get rid of lice?


I have the worst habit of biting my nails. Is it bad to bite my nails? Are there any health risks associated with that?

Is it bad to bite my nails?


When I got straight to the gym from work, I don't have time to take my makeup off. Is it bad to workout with makeup on? Can working out with makeup cause breakouts?

Is it bad to workout with makeup on?


My family and I are going to Hawaii this summer. I'm so excited to go on vacation, but I'm trying to save as much money as possible. What are some tips to save money on a family vacation. My ...

How can I save money on a family vacation?


I was reading about spinal stroke the other day. I'm a little confused between spinal stroke and a regular stroke. What's the difference between spinal stroke and a regular stroke?

What's the difference between a regular stroke and spinal stroke?


I have a few moles on my skin that itch. Should I be concerned that it is skin cancer? How often should I get these moles checked?

A few moles on my body itch, what causes this?


I am unhappy in my relationship and would like to get out. How can I do this with the least amount of hurt (to myself and for my significant other)?

I'm in a bad relationship, how do I leave?


Which is better cotton or silk on sensitive skin?

Are all types of fabrics safe on my sensitive skin?


I used to be on swim team in high school and got Swimmer's Ear one time. I went to the doctor and got treatment, but am worried it could come back one day after I go swimming. What causes ...

What causes Swimmer's Ear?


I exercise on a regular basis but really want to start meditating too. I think it would be beneficial for me to relax my mind and body and reduce stress at the end of each day by meditating. How ...

How does meditation affect your well-being?


for a female that is in good shape and on blood pressure medicine, are there any risks for a knee replacement at an older age (say, 80 years?)

What are the risks for knee replacement at age 80 ?


It seems like my eyelashes used to be darker, can I dye them?

Can you dye your eyelashes?


I've heard cold water is better for you than hot water to wash your face. Is that right?

Should I wash my face with cold water? Or Hot?


I am experiencing so many symptoms of menopause. I really don't want to take anything besides natural remedies for menopause, do you have any suggestions? 

Menopause advice: how can I find relief?


What causes blood poisoning? How can someone get it and what can you watch for? I hear little about blood poisoning but it sounds serious. Any information will help. 

What are the symptoms of blood poisoning?


While I'm at work all day the air conditioner vent blows directly on me and causes bad headaches and migreane. No one else in the office seems to be bothered. And I don't experience headaches ...

I've been getting severe headaches from the air conditioner blowing on me. Is this common?


Hear there is something called a patch test. Is a patch test accurate? What does it tell me?

How do I find out if I have sensitive skin?


I travel a lot and see all these scary machines that emit radiation. Will they make me infertile?

Will airport scanners make me sterile?


Who doesn't love picking blackheads?! Well maybe I am just strange, but there certainly is something satisfying about getting those little dirty things out of your skin. Who knows how long they ...

Will picking blackheads cause scars on my face?


Is oraganic better than toxic free in products? What's the difference?

What is the difference between organic and toxic free skin care products?


A friend of mine says his son has been diagnosed as bipolar. I thought that condition couldn't be diagnosed until later in life. What would the symptoms be in a young (8 year old) child? Is there ...

Can a young child have bipolar disorder and what signs should I look for?


My elbows and knees can get dry in the winter. The skin gets rough and scaly and is hard to clean and soften. I sometimes use skin lotion to soften it up but it never seems to really work. What ...

What causes dry elbows and knees?


I listen to music on my computer or iPod a lot with headphones. Even though I love listening to music, I'm afraid the headphones may cause hearing loss or hearing problems. How do I know when my ...

Can my headphones cause hearing problems?