In this edition of EmpowHER's "HER Week In Health", Bailey Mosier discusses why watching star-crossed lovers in movies make you feel better about your own relationships. We also learn how much alcohol can increase your risk for breast cancer, and why some 17 year old females are being denied access to emergency contraception.
Hi, I’m Bailey Mosier. This is your EmpowHER HER Week in Health.
Have you ever watched a tragic movie about star-crossed lovers and instead of leaving the movie theater sad, you leave feeling happier about your own relationships? In this week’s edition we’ll tell you why that is. We’ll also learn how much alcohol can increase your breast cancer risk and why 17-year-old females are incorrectly being denied access to emergency contraception.
Researchers from Ohio State University analyzed 361 college students and found that tragedies actually make people happier in the short-term. Watching a tragic movie causes people to think about their own close relationships, which in turn boosted their life happiness.
This study is the first to take a scientific approach to explaining why people enjoy fictional tragedies that make them sad and it’s because use tragedies as a way to reflect on the important relationships in their own life, to count their blessings and they end up appreciating their relationships more.
Research published in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism reviewed 113 prior studies on alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk and found the two are causally related.
Researchers from Germany, France and Italy found that just one alcoholic drink a day can boost a woman's risk of breast cancer by about 5 percent and three or more drinks a day can increase risk up to 50 percent.
If you don't already drink, don't start, the researchers warn. And if you do drink, it's best for women to limit their consumption to one drink a day.
Seventeen-year-old females can legally buy the emergency contraception Plan B over-the-counter without a prescription. But a recent study found 20 percent of pharmacists are incorrectly denying access.
Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center made calls to 1,000 pharmacies spread out in five major U.S. cities. They found that 80 percent of pharmacies had Plan B available, but 20 percent denied girls access to the pill – with or without a prescription – based on their age. The pharmacies also gave incorrect information to the researchers posing as physicians, making it appear that many may not know the law.
Researchers say this kind of misinformation can result in preventable, unintended pregnancy and that health care workers need to be better educated and help adolescents know their rights.
That wraps up your EmpowHER HER Week in Health. Join me here at EmpowHER every Friday as we recap the latest in women’s health.
Add a Comment2 Comments
Thanks for the info on BC and alcohol. No thanks for the so-called 'emergency contraception'. What a joke. Abstinence is the only accurate, 100% safe, chemical/drug free solution.
April 3, 2012 - 10:47amWhy not talk about how much "Plan B" and other contraception pills will increase breast cancer risk?
This Comment
well that is true consume too much alcohol and then pay every thing to get your healthy life back. breast cancer can take away every thing from you. so avoid junky food, fatty food and also drink less.
April 3, 2012 - 2:36amThis Comment