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Minimally Invasive Robotic Heart Surgery: Who Could Benefit? - Dr. Raczkowski

By EmpowHER
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Dr. Raczkowski discusses who would benefit from minimally invasive robotic heart surgery.

Dr. Raczkowski:
In general, any patient who would require an open-heart procedure for valve work, such as their mitral valve, their aortic valve, or bypass procedures done primarily in the left side of the heart. There are other rarer forms of heart problems such as benign tumors of the heart, arrhythmias, things of that nature, that all can be done with a robot. So, there is a large number of patients who could benefit from this minimally invasive approach.

About Dr. Raczkowski, M.D.:
Dr. Allen Raczkowski, certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Thoracic Surgery, leads the robotic heart surgery program at Banner Heart Hospital. He has performed nearly 400 procedures using that surgical system, making the Banner Heart Hospital robotic surgery program one of the top three in the nation.

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