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Do Weight Loss Supplements Work?

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Weight loss supplements DO NOT work to help you burn fat and lose weight on a long-term basis! So, start saving your money now! End of story, but read on anyway!

Get your nutrition from whole, natural foods! It makes common sense and your bank account will be much fatter! DON'T LOOK FOR SHORTCUTS TO FAT LOSS AND FITNESS! If you expect fat-burn supplements to give you a lean and toned body, you will always be disappointed!

At best, fat-burn supplements might give you a short-term boost. At worst, they could kill you (remember the Ephedra horror stories)!

The U. S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) have recently recalled 72 weight loss products due to "risky" ingredients. The USFDA goes on to state, “Some of the products claim to be natural or to contain only herbal ingredients but actually contain potentially harmful ingredients not listed on the product labels or in promotional advertisements.” “These products have not been approved by the USFDA, are illegal, and may be potentially harmful to unsuspecting consumers.”

The USFDA also stated that these products contained prescription strength amounts that exceeded the recommended dosage and could cause health risks. Reactions could range from high blood pressure, seizures, tachycardia, palpitations and increased risk of depression.

Don't be so concerned about losing weight that you lose sight of the fact that fat loss and inches loss is much more important. Permanent fat loss takes longer and you have to really work hard and smart to achieve it. Weight loss pills, powders and patches won't get the job done when it comes to permanent fat loss and weight loss.

Credible personal trainers want health, injury prevention and permanent fat loss and weight loss for you. Doctors, health professionals and personal trainers agree that the only safe and surefire way to good health and fitness is through good nutrition and regular exercise.

What about the safety of these supplements (pill, powder or fluid) you may be taking? Check out the "Generally Regarded As Safe" (GRAS) list published by the USFDA. Also, consult with your doctor and always follow the instructions on the label when taking any dietary supplement. There are no guarantees but you are smart to do as much research as possible.

The tried and true formula will give you the fat loss, weight loss and health you want: regular exercise and good nutrition!

When it comes to exercise, research has proven that you are more likely to stay with your exercise program if you enjoy it. But, no matter how much you enjoy exercise, you still need something else to "keep it going." You guessed it! Perseverance! It’s the mentality that nothing is going to keep you from reaching your fitness goals. When you have those "bad days," its determination that will pull you through. Enjoyment of exercise and determination will take you to fat loss and weight loss success!

If you're burning fat and building muscle, your body will eventually change permanently (if you consistently exercise). Changing your body composition takes time! That's why a lifetime commitment to fitness is important.

Lose fat and weight because you are worth it! You are worth the effort that it takes to change your body composition, no matter how long it takes!

Mark Dilworth, Certified Personal Trainer
Her Fitness Hut http://herfitnesshut.com

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Try wearing wearable weights like “Body Togs” scientifically based weighted sleeves worn on your arms & legs under your clothes that increase calorie burn, muscle tone & bone density. Weighted vests work great too! Go to: http:www.WomensPersonalFitness.net

October 1, 2009 - 11:53am
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