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Weight Watchers®, How Does It Help Women Lose Weight? - Maria Kinirons, R.D. (VIDEO)

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Weight Watchers®, How Does It Help Women Lose Weight? - Maria Kinirons, R.D. (VIDEO)
Weight Watchers®, How Does It Help Women Lose Weight? - Maria Kinirons, R.D. ...
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Registered Dietitian Maria Kinirons explains how Weight Watchers® can help women lose weight.

Registered Dietitian Maria Kinirons:
Weight Watchers® works because it actually takes into fact four, sort of, cornerstones to weight watch. It takes into account the food part of the program, activity; it takes into account behavior. You know, certain, we have discovered that there are actually successful habits that members have that really help them get to that healthy weight range.

For instance, we find that people, successful members take care of themselves. They put themselves first, they put their weight loss a priority, they go to the meetings every week. Other habits that we found that are great that help members become successful are things like self-monitoring. They are tracking, they’re counting points values, they are checking in with their hunger signals: “Am I really hungry? Do I really want that doughnut? Is it because I am hungry or I am craving or I am bored?”

Other things we do are, we have members also, we give them strategies for dealing with feelings in terms of, you know, emotional eating: “Am I angry; am I stressed?” There are tools and strategies that we have that, you know, really help members deal with everyday things that they live with.

Other things--of course we also have an activity part of our program. We encourage people to move more every day, even if it means getting up off the couch between, you know, while you are watching your favorite Grey’s Anatomy show at commercial time. Get up off the couch, march in place, do whatever you need to do to just get moving. We deal with people from that point of their activity level to people who are active every day, doing, you know, at least 30 minutes every day.

About Maria Kinirons, R.D.:
Maria Kinirons, R.D., is the senior nutritionist for Weight Watchers International. She works in the program development department and creates the materials members can receive when they attend Weight Watchers' meetings.

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