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What Is The Weight Watchers'® Points Value System? - Maria Kinirons, R.D. (VIDEO)

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What Is The Weight Watchers'® Points Value System? - Maria Kinirons, R.D. (VIDEO)
What Is The Weight Watchers'® Points Value System? - Maria Kinirons, R.D. ...
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Registered Dietitian Maria Kinirons describes the Weight Watchers'® points value system.

Registered Dietitian Maria Kinirons:
A points, A points value, that’s how we use the term in Weight Watchers®, is the end result of what happens when you combine calories, fat, and fiber into a proprietary formula. That’s the end result of what, of how members basically count what they are eating, and they are given a daily points target each day based on a variety of things--gender, height, weight, age--and based on that points target, they know how many points values they can eat during a day. And then, every food that we can possibly get into our database is given a points value, and from there, then members know the kind of foods they need to eat to fit within that daily points target.

About Maria Kinirons, R.D.:
Maria Kinirons, R.D., is the senior nutritionist for Weight Watchers International. She works in the program development department and creates the materials members can receive when they attend Weight Watchers' meetings.

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