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Can I still get pregnant without fallopian tubes?

By September 17, 2008 - 12:51pm
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I had my fallopian tubes removed due to multiple etopic pregnancies. I still have my ovaries, so can I still get pregnant?

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Hello ladies. What an interesting forum topic! I actually have an interesting story...I had 5 children and my husband and I decided we were finished FOR SURE! I had a tubal ligation 8 weeks after the delivery of baby 5. The following July (9 months later) I became pregnant with a baby that I just delivered last March. In June, I went in to have both tubes removed. I have to tell you, despite what I've been told, I am very worried I will indeed get pregnant yet again! I was so worried, I did a google on "pregnancy without tubes" which is how I found this thread. Although I believe most stories on here are probably true, I have not found many verifiable stories. In medical journals, there is 2 documented cases in modern history- one lady in Africa who had her tubes tied twice (failed both times) then had her tubes removed(failed again) apparently she became so disheartened with these procedures the hospital never saw her again...lol. Also, a lady who did IVF and failed, but 2 months later conceived naturally (ending in an ectopic). So while the body can be amazing, obviously this is VERY, VERY rare! If it happens to me, I'll gladly come back and post about it! Good luck to all those who are ttc!

August 30, 2012 - 7:57pm

I've been reading some of the questions on here n understand where a lot of you are coming from.
I found out about my infertility when I was 27 due to an STD my ex gave me,my Fallopian tubes were badly damaged/scar and the fertility doctor said I would need Ivf if I ever wanted to become pregnant. I am now 33 and really wanna become pregnant but it is very expensive and my insurance won't cover anything,not even my testing my fertility doctor said that I would have to get retested for everything again and my insurance wont cover a pre existing condition and testing would cost almost 5,000 dollars. I felt like my someone punched me in the stomach. I'm so depressed and constantly in tears. I just don't know what to do anymore, I'm not looking for pity or anything just some understanding all my friends don't understand where I'm coming from cause nearly all of them have kids..
I'm married to a good man but I don't feel like he understands what I go threw sometimes.
I try and tell myself that things wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have kids but deep down inside I I'm just lying to myself....

August 28, 2012 - 4:21am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to berri nonya13)

I understand how you feel. The same thing happened to me. Exactly the same way. I tried for many years. Got married at 33 and a week before My 34th birthday I found out that I was pregnant. A week later I started bleeding. Went to the emergency room and they said the baby was in my tubes. They also said that the other tube was damaged. The surgeon said she would do what she could to save the left tube. During surgery she found that there was nothing she could do. She left it inside me because she knew I would be disappointed. I thought she fixed it. A week later I was in more pain and had to return to the Emergency room. The next surgeon removed the ovary and the tube. They were stuck together. Both sides were like that. So now all I have is a half of an ovary. But I can say after all those years I did get pregnant. It just ended quickly. I said for years that it didn't matter but just like you deep down inside I knew it was a front. So it will happen for you eventually. I wish you all the best. I suggest you get a dnc first. Maybe if there's a problem it can be fixed. Good luck. I know you posted a while ago but I just got the end of my story yesterday. 7/1/14 Stay Blessed

July 2, 2014 - 11:58pm
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Anonymous (reply to berri nonya13)

I just wanted you to know that you are not alone....it's 1am, I have to work tomorrow and I'm up crying my eyes out. One ectopic pregnancy, Dr saved mytube...6 months later had hydrosalpinx in both tubes, had fimbrioplasty to correct tried for baby almost a year hydrosalpinx came back had to have both tubes removed. Cannot afford IVF I'm 37 so my chances are so low even if I could come up with the $.

November 27, 2012 - 11:56pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to berri nonya13)

You really need to read "the infertility cure" by Randine Lewis. This book is miles cheaper than IVF and fascinating. It proves that Western Doctors don't know all there that there is to know on the subject of pregnancies. I guarantee this book will help you and how you are feeling. I'm really sorry you are do down, I promise this book will allow you to feel positive again. Wishing you luck x

November 3, 2012 - 9:00am

Hello Anonymous,

As a registered nurse and one of the individuals who has commented on this thread, I am very interested in how pregnancy is possible without fallopian tubes, if invitro fertilization is not done.

Please educate us with the information that your gynecologist shared with you and your friend's experience.


July 9, 2012 - 4:56pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am trying to write on as many forums as I can, I'm extrememly annoyed at the constant rubbish people keep writeing about "you can't get pregnant without tubes" to all these ladies that have listened to unqualified medical staff giveing there incorrect advise out and breaking many womans hearts.
I am 24 and have. 3yr old but unfortunately I had a emergency c section and complications and 4 yrs on I have just lost twins to a eptopic pregnancy and had my right tube removed which relates back to the emergency c section scare tissue. I then become close to a great friend who suffered the same as me but lost both tubes 6 months ago, and thank the lord the "impossible" happened she is now 5weeks pregnant with no help and no tu bes.
I have done reserch and spoke to my own gyne doctor has confirmed it is very possible and not as rare as people think altho there's a higher risk of a abdominal eptopic its is VERY Much possible.
So for the unqualifies giveing out there stupid advise stop crushing peoples hopes and dreams when u clearly have no idea
Good luck to all

Ttc 3years
Lost twins to eptopic, removsl of right tube
Still ttc

July 7, 2012 - 3:41am

Hello Anonymous,

I would love nothing more than have your wish of being pregnant come true.

What was your physician's thought when the ultrasound showed dye uptake in a portion of your right fallopian tube? Is the entire right fallopian tube still intact? Is there only a portion remaining?

If the entire right fallopian tube is still intact, connecting your right ovary to your uterus, then getting pregnant naturally is possible.

I suggest that you make an appointment with your gynecologist to determine the reason you have not gotten your period for one month.


June 13, 2012 - 4:44pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hello Ladies, I have read ALL the posts on here and would like to add my story. In March of 2004 I had to have emergency surgery due to my Fallopian Tube enlarged and damaged severely and had my Right tube removed. The next day I found out that I have PCOS. I went through the Fertility treatment and the dye test in 2007. The doctor then asked if i was sure they removed my right tube and turned the ultrasound screen around and showed me a large portion on my right tube with dye in it. I was told it was completely removed. Then in December 2008 I had to have another emergency surgery to remove my left tube so that just took all chances of me having kids naturally. I was then told that IVF is my only option of being able to conceive my own children. I have checked into that and gone to the first appointment. The doctor said my ovaries produce plenty of eggs, however, I cant afford the 12k they want. My periods have been on time every month for 4 years, now I am a month late. Could it be possible at all I may be in the small percentage of women that I could have gotten pregnant naturally? I don't want to get my hopes up just to have another heartbreak. I am turning 35 next week and have never had any kids. And I want kids SOOO BAD, it would mean everything in the world to me!

So Confused!!!

June 9, 2012 - 11:13pm
EmpowHER Guest

First of all doctors are really great at what they do and I don't forbid anyone to stop using them but , you have to understand that the are merly practitionesr which mean they have been praticing certain method for long periods of time which have been studied. So they have limited knowlege. But, Jesus on the other hand is a master in miricles and his track record for healing and miricles is amazing. Read Supernatural Child Birth. I am not pregnant yet but my friend adopted two boys years ago, tried evey thing, tube were damaged serverly, and she had a bouncing baby girl in December . God can do anything but fail. They have been married for 16 yrs and she is 45yrs of age.
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May 26, 2012 - 3:38am
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