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Can I still get pregnant without fallopian tubes?

By September 17, 2008 - 12:51pm
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I had my fallopian tubes removed due to multiple etopic pregnancies. I still have my ovaries, so can I still get pregnant?

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EmpowHER Guest

Hi everyone I have had two ectopic pg one two years ago the other two and a half months ago .. Ended up taking a small spot of one of my tube I almost lost my life .. But doctor said my other tub is beautiful and I should be able to have a normal pg .. I'm not losing hope god works in his own way after my second cycle I will be trying again .. So please pray for me cause I'm 29 and I really would like to be a mother I'm never giving up anything is possible .. Thanks everyone for your stories they have really touched my heart

January 5, 2012 - 7:36am

Hi, am really sorry you lost both of your tubes. To the best of my knowlegde, i don't think you can get pregnant without the tubes because the eggs need to reach your uterus through the tubes. i hope you can have children using scientific procedures.
I wish you the very best.
Thanks, Carla

December 30, 2011 - 12:31am
EmpowHER Guest

I am 23 years old . I have Three kids After my 3rd child i had my tubes tied . 9 moths later I had an eptopic Pregnancy . After that i had half of my left tube taken off ..So a lot of your storys give me hope . My New husband would love to have a baby And IVF is so much money ...

December 30, 2011 - 12:13am

Hi secretvicki, i too have both tubes removed from previous 2 consecutive ectopic pregnancies year 2008 and 2009. I'm 34 yrs old and have postponed IVF as the 2 ectopic had taken a big toll on me. Now that I'm ready, I have booked my 1st appointment with the specialist on January 2012 to start IVF. Currently, my period is 2 weeks late and the reason I come across this forum is because I am searching for some answers if its still possible to get another ectopic pregnancy even after both tubes are removed as I don't want to go thru that again. After reading the recent posts, it was a huge wow for me as well having that odd chance of getting pregnant normally. Right now, i am trying hard to stay positive but I might go buy a home test just to make sure. Its been a long time I have given up buying home pregnancy tests :-) Not really keeping my hopes up, I am just so scared of having another EP. Will keep you guys posted :-)

December 29, 2011 - 4:54pm
(reply to jeangrey)

hi Jeangrey, i am sorry to hear of your ectopics.. It was such a har time for me as well. i had one in July of 2008 and then another in FEb of 2009, 6 months apart ..uck.. i then proceeded to do IVF. a few mojntsh later, got pregnant but miscarried natuirally.. it was a hard year.. its been two years.. and enjoying my son. and now my period is late, its so weird, scares me as well.. BUt i know its impossible to get pregnant, yet i see these stories ya know? Are you going to go out today and take the test?? Can you get back on this and let me know send me a reply??? has your period ever been late?

December 30, 2011 - 7:00am
(reply to secretvicki)

Happy new year girls!
Hi secretvicki, thankfully its negative! So i can put that worry aside now, its just scary thinking that I might have another ep outside the womb. I have to set my mind on IVF now. Well since my last ectopic, my period is just in time, if its late its just for 2 or 3 days. That' s why this time, I am a bit worried coz it was 2 weeks late, and guess what? I had it on the 1st of January :-)

Did you just had one shot on IVF or have you done it a couple of times? What did the doctor said that caused you to miscarry? Are you going to try again?

January 2, 2012 - 8:19pm

Hello, my name is Lacey. I had an erruptered appendex in 2008 and they removed my appendex and one tube. Then I got pregnant in 2010 and it was a tubal pregnancy. So, all I have left is my ovaries. I have not started my period yet this month. I am 15-18 days late. I do have sore breasts, and everything I smell makes me want to throw up. So, I don't know if I am pregnant or not. My husband went to get me a test and will let you know. I would be thrilled if this is possible. I am only 20 yrs old. So, I would love a child to spend my life with. Will be back! Anything is possible!

December 18, 2011 - 1:11pm
(reply to laceynicolegary20)

hi laceynicolegary20 , did yiou test positive???

December 29, 2011 - 8:23am

I just had an laporoscopy done dr. told me both of my tubes are cut in peaces, Iam very sad . I want a baby so bad.. praying to God for a miracle.. thank you for this stories, they comfort my soul..

December 16, 2011 - 10:32pm
EmpowHER Guest

Good Afternonn Every one!
I would like to start by saying regardless of how much the doctors say you can not get pregnant without invitro, I believe some day I will become pregnant by the will and Grace of my God. Remember that when its out of our hands & doctors dont have any more to do that's when He steps in and does everything! There is a secret to it I think, FAITH!

December 5, 2011 - 2:21pm
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