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Shelly Shares The Lifestyle Changes She Has Made For Diabetes (VIDEO)

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Shelly shares some of the many diabetes related lifestyle changes she had made over the years.

I made lots of lifestyle changes over the years. I went through a period in my, actually for quite a while, where I wasn’t quite an adult but I wasn’t a kid, and I wanted to do things that other people my age were doing, and I did some of them and it didn’t work out for me. I know that as a diabetic, you want to think that you can do things like go to parties or things like that. You can do like everybody else and maybe you can, for maybe a year, maybe six months, maybe a month, but the consequences are much higher, and in the long run it’s a much higher price and I think it’s good to make very healthy choices.

The older I get, the more mature I get. I just want to have a healthy lifestyle. I just want to not ignore my body because that’s what I think happens with a lot of type 1 diabetics is we want to be normal. It's not something you can outwardly see. Sometimes it's easier just to pretend like you are normal until it catches up with you, and then it’s, not good.

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