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Top 10 Ways to Achieve Happiness

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“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” -- Albert Schweitzer

Happiness is a state of mind characterized by contentment and satisfaction. Sources of happiness are diverse and unique as people are diverse and unique. Here are ten basic ways each individual can achieve happiness.

1--Live in the Present

Recognize that each day of life is a precious gift. Be mindful of the moment and live in the present. Yesterday is gone and will never come back. Tomorrow is not here yet, do not worry about what will be. Focus on the now, whether it be dinner with your family or playing a game with your children.

2--Laugh Each Day

Laughter relaxes your whole body. A hearty laugh releases physical tension and stress. Laughter decreases stress hormones, boosts the immune system, and improves resistance to disease. Researchers have found that laughter triggers the release of endorphins, which promote a sense of well-being and temporarily relieve pain. Laughter promotes heart health and offers added protection against a heart attack. Blood flow is increased and the function of the blood vessels improves when you laugh.

3--Listen to Music

Setting aside some time each day to listen to your favorite type of music, playing an instrument or singing along reduces stress levels and leaves you feeling content. Music activates parts of the brain that produces the sensation of happiness. The right kind of music releases endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain relievers and sedatives. In the absence of pain, the endorphins produce a sense of calm and contentment.

4--Count Your Blessings

Pause each day to reflect upon the positive aspects of your life such as your family and friends. Be content with what you have and appreciate the people in your life. “It’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got,” - Sheryl Crow. People who focus on the positive things in their lives experience a heightened sense of well-being.


Spirituality helps you find meaning, hope, comfort, peace and balance in your life. Faith helps people cope with the tribulations and tragedies in life and provides a sense to the meaning of life, a feeling of acceptance, and a reason to focus beyond oneself. Feeling that your life has meaning and value is a measure of spirituality. Having a strong sense of personal worth is one way to achieve happiness.

6--Take Control of Your Life

Learn to say no and refuse to undertake tasks that are unnecessary, you do not enjoy or that cause you stress. In the “Secrets of Happiness” article on the Psychology Today website, David G. Myers wrote that people who feel in control of their lives and feel satisfied with themselves, have an extraordinarily positive feelings of happiness.

7--Positive Thinking

Positive thinking and self-esteem empower a person to feel in control of her life and to have a positive outlook. Instead of “I can’t “ think “I can.” Remember that you cannot please everyone so don’t allow criticism to worry you. Be yourself and do not let others set the standards for you. Hate poisons the soul; avoid people who make you unhappy and avoid feelings of jealousy .

8--Keep Busy

A busy person does not have time to be unhappy. Most importantly, keep busy doing things that you enjoy. Broaden yourself and have many interests. If you cannot travel to exotic places, read about them. Find a hobby that interests you such as gardening and spend time doing it. Engage in meaningful activities that exercise your mind and body and give purpose to your day. If you love what you are doing and it gives meaning to your existence then you will be happy and fulfilled.

9--Take Care of Yourself

If you do not take care of yourself who will? If you do not love yourself how can you love others? One tip to happiness offered on the Reader’s Digest website is to get enough sleep. Take a daily nap, if possible. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep each night. Begin with one night at a time. Turn off the TV or computer, forget about your job, pick up a good book and read for one hour before turning out the lights.


Helping others can increase your level of happiness. Reader’s Digest's website suggests that people who volunteer have enhanced feelings of well-being, happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, sense of control over life, and physical health. Helping others enables you to put your own problems in perspective and provides a means of social interaction.

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EmpowHER Guest

Excellent list. Getting engrossed in something you love doing is the quickest way to happiness, to my mind.
So glad to see Spirituality on the list, not Religion.
I feel it is vital to try to remove self pity from your life. Nothing destroys happiness more effectively.

July 16, 2010 - 1:58am
EmpowHER Guest

except that every decision is yours whether the out come is good or bad, and know you can decide to make changes.

July 12, 2010 - 2:19pm
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