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Lower Cholesterol, Can I Achieve This With Diet And Exercise Alone? - Dr. Shokooh (VIDEO)

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Dr. Shokooh explains if a woman who does not want to take medication can lower her cholesterol with diet and exercise alone.

Dr. Shokooh:
Women and men have difference in the fact that they are different because women have the estrogen to protect them until menopause and so usually women have higher HDL, the good cholesterol, but as they get older they may see a drop in their HDL and the reason that we put some patients on medication for their cholesterol because high cholesterol and a no HDL and high triglycerides are risk factors for heart disease. Now if the cholesterol there is whole guideline of when one should go on medication and if their cholesterol is little bit up and it can be changed with diet and exercise, yes the first recommendation is diet and exercise, but if the number goes very high and they do have other risk factors and they have heart disease then they should be on medication per recommendations and guidelines.

About Dr. Shokooh, M.D.:
Dr. Shalizeh Shokooh is Director at the Women's Heart Center at the Orange County Heart Institute and Co-Director of the Women Heart Center at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Orange County, California. Dr. Shokooh graduated medical school and finished her residency at UC Irvine. She also conducted a cardiology fellowship at Harbor UCLA Medical Center. She is a member of the American College of Cardiology and Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiology. Dr. Shokooh can treat patients in English, Spanish, and Farsi.

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