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If Everyone's Hormones Are The Same at 25, Why Are They Different at 55? - Dr. Berga (VIDEO)

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More Videos from Dr. Sarah Berga 19 videos in this series

Dr. Berga explains why homones are different for everyone at age 55, even though they were the same at age 25.

Dr. Berga:
It’s because it’s a little more complicated. When you’re 25 you’re making an egg and you’re really seeing the same amount of estradiol and progesterone per cycle as everybody else. When you’re 55, you’re taking a hormone and your body size differs one to the next and so, to get the same serum level, you would actually need to have a faster rate of different hormone ranges.

And so we don’t know what the right range to give a 50-year-old would be really, but even if we knew it, we still would need a different set of different kinds of hormones to get to that range to keep everybody there. So, that’s the reason we can’t just give one size to everybody.

About Dr. Berga, M.D.:
Dr. Sarah Berga is professor and chairman in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Emory University School of Medicine. She is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology. She received her undergraduate degree at the University of Virginia and later held an Obstetrics and Gynecology General Hospital Fellowship at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Berga’s research focuses on understanding the impact of psychogenic and metabolic stresses upon the reproductive system and as a cause of infertility, among other topics.

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