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Got Shots? Vaccines Adults May Need But Often Don't Get

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(News Report) The flu vaccine is a hot topic these days, but are you aware of the nine other immunizations recommended for most adults? Vaccines are not just for kids, and many adults are behind on their vaccinations, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

August is National Immunization Awareness month, and the CDC encourages everyone to get updated on any necessary shots. “Getting immunized is a life-long life protecting job, and you are never too old for shots” according to the CDC.

Most vaccinations are given during the first five to six years of life because children are forming their immune systems and are especially susceptible to infection and serious complications from diseases.

Other vaccines, like those for hepatitis, human papilloma virus (HPV) or certain bacterial infections are given to adults at various ages depending on health status or risk factors. Booster shots for tetanus/diptheria/pertussis or chicken pox/shingles are also recommended for many adults.

For a complete list of recommended vaccinations, see the cited links below. Then check with your health care provider to determine if you should consider boosting your immune status by getting any vaccinations in the near future.

Related Links:
Centers for Disease Control, “August is Immunization Awareness Month,” 2009.

Immunization Action Coalition, “Vaccinations for Adults,” 2009. http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4030.pdf

Immunization Action Coalition, “Do I Need Any Vaccinations Today?” 2009.

Submitted by: D. Jenkins, Ph.D.
