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The Dangers of Weight Loss And Regain

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Losing 50 pounds of weight is a great accomplishment. Regaining 75 pounds is a greater disappointment. Just ask anyone who has lived through the nightmare. Some have lived through the nightmare more than once. This type of yo-yo weight loss and regain is also bad for your health.

Researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles analyzed 31 long-term diet studies and found that about two-thirds of dieters regained more weight within four or five years than they initially lost.

So what are the causes of massive weight loss and regain? In my experience, severe calorie restriction is at the top of the list. We are bombarded with commercials like, “lose 30 pounds in 20 days.” This is a short-term solution to your long-term weight problem.

A study reported in the Journal Of Obesity found that people who followed a very low-calorie diet regained significantly more weight than those on a more forgiving plan. Desperate for quick results in a culture of instant gratification, "women try to lose weight on diets with too few calories," said Judith Beck, Ph.D., director of the Beck Institute of Cognitive Therapy and author of The Beck Diet Solution. "If you lose weight on 1,200 calories a day, the minute you go up to 1,300 is the minute you start gaining weight." My experience has shown me that women will increase calories to much more than 1,300 calories.

Severe calorie restriction also causes your metabolism to slow down because your body thinks it is starving. So, it stores fat as a survival mechanism. Prolonged severe calorie restriction also weakens your immune system, creates hormonal imbalances, agitates the nervous system, generates loss of muscle mass, increases body fat, decreases energy levels and disrupts sleep patterns.

According to Kelly Brownell, M.D., director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, "The body may perceive dieting as a threat to its survival. It might not know the difference between Atkins and famine."

What's more, said Brownell, who coined the term "yo-yo dieting" in the 1980s, weight cycling can actually change your physiology. “So, the more diets you've been on, the harder it becomes to lose the weight. A hunger hormone called ghrelin increases, and a fullness hormone called leptin decreases, so you feel hungrier and less satiated.”

Here are my tips to avoid large amounts of weight loss and regain:

1. Avoid fad diets! Don’t be too concerned about weight loss. Even if you experience rapid weight loss, you will end up seeing your weight yo-yo back and forth because you can’t maintain that fad diet.

Fat loss is more important than weight loss. Work on losing inches and changing your body’s composition. The weight loss will take care of itself in the long-term if you comply with a realistic, healthy meal plan.

2. Achieving fitness goals takes hard, smart work! It takes regular exercise and compliance with a healthy meal plan. Regular exercise includes weight training and cardio exercise. You must build muscle mass to speed up your metabolism and tone your body. This takes more time but the results will stand the test of time. Don’t try to take shortcuts.

3. Get the help you need to maintain a lifestyle of health and fitness! Don't underestimate the value of well-designed fitness program put together by a personal trainer. It makes all the difference because you get realistic direction, feedback and encouragement from a trainer who is fit and knows what it takes to get fit and stay fit.

You also need social support. Research has proven that you are more likely to succeed with your weight loss and fat loss goals if you have a weight loss buddy (social support or accountability partner). Group exercise classes and boot camps succeed in part because of social support.

Don’t yo-yo back and forth with your weight and health using short-term methods. Make the decision to burn fat, lose weight and change your body for the long-term.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s sites:

My Fitness Hut http://myfitnesshut.blogspot.com
Her Fitness Hut http://herfitnesshut.com
Sports Fitness Hut http://sportsfitnesshut.blogspot.com

Add a Comment6 Comments

EmpowHER Guest

That habit of eating high glycemic "meltable" foods like crackers often leads to grazing, just nibbling here and there. It's really easy if you think about it - you can eat a handful of goldfish crackers all day long and never feel full, but OH the calories and the appetite stimulation with all that starch.

Laura from 3 Wheel Bike

June 27, 2011 - 3:18am
EmpowHER Guest

According to the first study of the long-term impacts of yo-yo dieting, women who repeatedly lost and gained weight had lower immune function, particularly lower counts of natural killer cells. "These cells are important for fending off infections and are also vital in fighting the early stages of cance r. ]]>Fat Farm]]>

March 3, 2011 - 3:54am
EmpowHER Guest

To avoid regaining weight (or not gaining extra weight in the first place), the energy your body burn s off must equal the energy you take in from food. To achieve this it is essential that you feed yourself exactly the same amount of calories as your body burn s off. In this way, there will be no surplus calories left over to be stored as extra weight. ]]>Fitness Boot Camp]]>

March 2, 2011 - 12:59am
EmpowHER Guest

There are several factors which contribute towards weight regain phenomenon like biological factors,unrealistic expectations,diet schedule,lack of physical exertion ,etc etc.In most cases, it is biological factor like there are more than 300 genes have been linked with being fat. Where our fat is deposited, how insulin is regulated, how much of various hormones our bodies secrete, and many, many more. ]]>Weight Loss Boot Camp]]>

February 23, 2011 - 1:15am
EmpowHER Guest

I agree with your views on calorie restriction. It has been proven that severe calorie restriction does not produce a favorable reaction.

cure panic attacks

October 3, 2010 - 1:11pm
EmpowHER Guest

What an interesting post... i find your posing very interesting and educative... please i need you to help me loose weight, by giving me a good workout plan and also advice on how to eat healthy. Thanks and i would appreciate

Acai Berry Pure

June 14, 2010 - 3:30pm
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