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Pain Medication Addictions, Can These Women Still Make Good Decisions? - Dr. Wright (VIDEO)

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Pain Medication Addictions, Can These Women Still Make Good Decisions? - Dr. Wright (VIDEO)
Pain Medication Addictions, Can These Women Still Make Good Decisions? - Dr. ...
4 of 28 : Current video

Dr. Wright describes if women can make good decision while addicted to pain medications.

Dr. Wright:
Loaded questions, all pun intended. Anyone who is addicted to an opiate of any sort is compromised. So, that definitely has to be taken into the equation for both the patient and the family, depending on the severity of the pain at the time because yes, you will be compromised if you are taking a certain amount of medication. And other people can take medication and be highly functioning, but the operative word is ”addictive,” and you have to be very skillful and observing, listening, and asking for feedback and not feeling guilty when they say, “Yeah, you repeated yourself,” or “No, you are a little wobbly.” Or when you get feedback you don’t like to hear, know that’s lifesaving, for you and maybe somebody else.

About Dr. Barbara Wright, Ph.D.:
Barbara Wright, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist based in Laguna Beach, California. She has been in private practice for over 30 year. During this time she has developed a method and system of compassionate communication for skillful conflict resolution, be it intrapersonal or interpersonal for individuals, couples, families, as well as schools and corporative situations. This method Metta4All, is the culmination of her life’s work as a speech therapist and clinical psychologist.

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