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Cervical Spine Fusion Surgery, What Are Common Complications? - Dr. Wang (VIDEO)

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Dr. Wang recalls the common complications associated with cervical spine fusion surgery.

Dr. Wang:
Actually, cervical fusion has a very low rate of complications. I would say one of the most common complications, even though the rate is very low, is a non-union or otherwise known as a pseudoarthrosis. Whenever you are trying to get a fusion, you want the bones to grow together and they don’t always grow together and that’s when you get the pseudoarthrosis.

About Dr. Wang, M.D.:
Dr. Jeffrey Wang, M.D., is the Chief of Spine Surgery and Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Neurology at the UCLA School of Medicine. He specializes in all spine disorders in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar area. His research interests include gene therapy for the treatment of spinal disorders, minimally invasive surgery for spinal disorders, bone growth biological proteins, and biomedical engineering of non-invasive spine surgery using high intensity focused ultrasonic waves.

Visit Dr. Wang at UCLA School of Medicine