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The Color of Passionate Style

By January 17, 2011 - 1:04pm

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The Color of Passionate Style
The Color of Passionate Style
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Balancing Act
Balancing Act
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Did you ever notice how wearing a specific color can completely change your mood and lift your spirits? Well, now you can use color to help you get you in the mood. Our sexperts and special guest David Zyla, author of The Color of Style and Emmy winning head costume designer of the soap opera All My Children, shares how to discover your “romantic color” or your version of red. Tune in to learn how to make small wardrobe changes that can make a big difference and evoke a positive response from others.

Danielle Knox:
Well have you ever stopped to think about how a color could just completely lift your spirits? Maybe seeing the green in the trees energizes you or wearing a deep red makes you feel more passionate.

Well our next guest knows how color can completely change a woman’s mood and even get her in the mood. Joining us now is David Zyla, author and Emmy-winning head costume designer of the soap opera “All My Children”, and since we are talking passion this segment would not be complete without both our s-experts. So also with us this morning is Rachel Braun Scherl and Mary Wallace Jaensch from Zestra.

Great to have you all in this show with us this morning.

Rachel Braun Scherl:
Thank you.

Mary Wallace Jaensch:
Good morning.

David Zyla:
It’s good to be here.

Danielle Knox:
So David, I want to start with you because you know, the book is so interesting because it talks about how color can really ignite our passion. You have to give me the scoop on this because I hope I haven’t been wearing the wrong color.

David Zyla:
We will fix everything if so. Well in my book “The Color of Style” I lead women through exercises to determine her true colors.

Danielle Knox:

David Zyla:
One of those colors is her romantic color or her version of red. We all have a specific version of red and guess what?

Danielle Knox:

David Zyla:
It’s in the palm of your hand. The secret of love is in the palm of your hand.

Danielle Knox:
Do you mean that figuratively or just or for real it’s in the palm of your hand?

David Zyla:
For real.

Danielle Knox:

David Zyla:
The tips of your fingers, or your flushed skin, are your version of red.

Danielle Knox:

David Zyla:
So for instance, Mary, who is wearing her romantic color. . .

Mary Wallace Jaensch:
Oh, you have a love switch here, I can tell.

David Zyla:
If you look at her fingertips you will see this beautiful, full pink color.

Danielle Knox:
Right, right.

David Zyla:
Rachel, who is actually wearing her color in her necklace, has a rusty orange, and your version would be a raspberry, a very cool, deep raspberry color.

Danielle Knox:
Which happens to be one of my favorite colors anyway. I love that color, I have to tell you.

David Zyla:
And I bet you feel fantastic when you wear it.

Danielle Knox:
I absolutely do, but you know, here’s what I think is interesting because when you talk about passion and when you talk about romance I think when you wear just that right outfit you feel it. You live it. You can work it, right?

David Zyla:

Danielle Knox:
And so when you do the soap opera, and I know you trust a lot of women and I know a lot of these women are very sexy, very romantic women – do you have that in mind and how can we just use that in our everyday lives?

David Zyla:
Well you know what, when you are dressing a character on a show like “All My Children” you are dressing with intention. You are dressing to show who that character is. When the door is opened up and she is going to give him the ultimatum, you dress her for that moment, and I want women to not only look and feel fantastic at all times, but also to have that same ability to dress with intention at all times.

Danielle Knox:
Oh, interesting.

Rachel Braun Scherl:
One of the things we love about David is he gives you tips to make small changes that make a huge difference and women are so busy, they are multitasking; they have their families, their careers, their kids – the last thing they could think about is a whole new wardrobe and so the idea that you could change a blouse or add an accent to your outfit is just fabulous.

And we talk the same way about Zestra. If I want to have a better sex life, don’t make me have a date night and lose 40 pounds and change my hair. You know, make it easy.

Mary Wallace Jaensch:
And the other thing is again, it’s the immediacy. So if you put the right color on you will notice the difference immediately, not only in how you feel but the responses you evoke.

Danielle Knox:
So it’s the small changes that really make a big difference.

David Zyla:

Danielle Knox:
Okay, and so for our viewers at home who may be interested in knowing what their color of passion is and maybe interested in making some of those small changes, because remember a lot of my viewers are working moms or busy moms or stay-at-home moms, their lives are like this – what can they do today, right now?

David Zyla:
You know what, I would go to a place in your home where you have great light and put your hand out. Don’t have any distractions for at least 30 seconds, hopefully, if you can do it.

Danielle Knox:
Lord help them; help those moms out there.

David Zyla:
And really start to look at your fingertips and really see what colors are there. Is it pink? Is it red? Is it burgundy? And then I would look in your closet and look at some things that are close to that color and try to then get something in that color to wear.

I always think you should be A+ all the time. Don’t do B-. If you say, “Oh I don’t feel…:

Rachel Braun Scherl:
How about on the weekends?

David Zyla:

Danielle Knox:
Not even on the weekend? How about when you are like just going to bed at night? I mean, come on, we’ve got to have some down time, David.

David Zyla:
You can be comfortable. You can do different things but why not be yourself doing all of those?

Mary Wallace Jaensch:
Do they make teal sweat pants?

David Zyla:
I am sure they do.

Mary Wallace Jaensch:
But I think that’s the point is it really isn’t really that much more effort if you know what the color is when you are shopping to just add it to your wardrobe.

Danielle Knox:
Well that is true too. That is a good point.

Mary Wallace Jaensch:
And it isn’t that David says throw everything out, but when you are shopping the next time you will make a better choice and over, time everything you put on, regardless of whether it’s comfortable sweat pants or a really hot dress for a hot date night will make you feel better, and what to me is remarkable is how other people respond to you.

Danielle Knox:
Well I have to tell you, you ladies are just delightful. I mean it. It’s been so wonderful having you here and of course you too David and you could not look more dapper my friend, by the way you have found your color of passion. You have found it.

Thank you for being with us this morning on “The Balancing Act”.

Rachel Braun Scherl:
Thank you.

Danielle Knox:
And if you want more information on David’s book, again it is called “The Color of Style”, just go to davidzyla.com and for more information Zestra, just go to Zestra.com.

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