Dr. Dahiya shares what a woman should do if her bariatric procedure was not successful and why bariatric revision surgery is a more difficult process.
Dr. Dahiya:
I think the best thing is that, you know, first find out. Redo is a different word than first time. It is more difficult. There are also newer options coming. A given doctor may or may not know all of them. There are ways of, you know, going back and redoing, or that you can do it through mouth also without any incision. So go, first find out a doctor who does it. If not, then you can go back to your own doctor. Those are the options and then explore the possibilities.
I think all surgeons know what we call a “virgin belly”--that there is no doctor that has been in a given area. There are no adhesions; all the blood vessels, blood supply, everything is the way that we are born. It’s perfect. But when somebody has been there, what we call the “human hands,” with the human hands we leave adhesions behind. We also cut some blood vessels so you don’t know which ones are cut and how much is left. So, it’s lot more complicated and it also, you got to figure out what’s going to work this time. So all of these things are going to figure in, so it’s a lot more complicated than first time.
About Dr. Dahiya, M.D.:
Leading a multi-disciplinary team of experts at Doctor Bariatric is board-certified Shyam L. Dahiya, M.D. who brings more than 20 years of experience in general and trauma surgery. As a general and laparoscopic surgeon, Dr. Dahiya has performed numerous innovative bariatric surgeries including the Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery.