Dr. Dahiya discusses if a patient’s medical insurance will cover bariatric revision surgery.
Dr. Dahiya:
Most of the time. Here is what the insurances look, you know, and they vary, and it’s hard to speak for insurances, but the way that they look at it is that you did everything, and then it failed, there it’s not your fault. But if somewhere that if they can figure out that, “Well, you didn’t do everything that you were supposed to,” then they’ll say, “Well, what’s going to be the miracle next time?” You know, but majority of the time, human beings are human beings. Every now and then we are going to falter, but nobody really wants to derail their procedure. Sometimes the procedure just fails, and in that case, they will be approved. So it can flip both ways, but majority will be covered.
About Dr. Dahiya, M.D.:
Leading a multi-disciplinary team of experts at Doctor Bariatric is board-certified Shyam L. Dahiya, M.D. who brings more than 20 years of experience in general and trauma surgery. As a general and laparoscopic surgeon, Dr. Dahiya has performed numerous innovative bariatric surgeries including the Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery.