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Why Doesn't my boyfriend want to have sex with me anymore?

By May 19, 2009 - 9:46am
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We've been dating for over a yer now but in the last few months our sex has drastically decreased at first started to go down from at least 1-2 times a day for at least 5 months and then it went down to 1-2 times a week and then to 1-2 times a month and now it's been a month and a half since we've had sex. I've read a few articles about this allready, but none seem to fit my problem exactly. I was worried for a while that it might be me that was the problem and but he told me it wasn't and i know he wouldn't lie to me. I've asked him about it but he says theres nothing wrong. I just don't know what to do anymore. He's only a year older than me and he's suppose to be in hes prime. Is there anything I can do? I Haven't pressured him or anything because I dont want him to do it just to shut me up. I want him to want to. and I'm just not satistied anymore and im not asking for everyday, at this point once or twice a week would be nice. A far as I know there's nothing he's stressed about at work or school, could it be a cobination of the 2? or something else going on that I don't know about? and please keep in mind that im am searching for help and advice and I don't want to hear find a new boyfriend. I love him and im not leaving him, even if it means were not going to have sex anymore. But it's frustration for the time being as I find it a tad odd that I want it more than he does. and I don't really want to talk to any of my friends abotu it because I live in a small town and this is personal and I don't need everyone talking about it. and the last thing I want him to feel is embarassed. I havn't told anyone of my friends but I'm in need of some advice. Any Ideas?

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I am in a serious relationship, me and my partner have been together now for 3 n hlf years and live together. We used to have sex daily, sometimes up to 3 times a day, i have always had a high sex drive, but recentley, we have not been having sex as much. I have tried so many things to get him in the mood, dressing up, cooking, wine etc, nothing seems to work. I have spoken so many times to him about it n he just doesn't seem to listen or give me the answers that i need to hear! I don't know why he won't but its really getting me down because i feel rejected and hurt. I don't know who to talk to, i dont want to talk to my friends because i feel ashamed and embarrased. We only have sex every month n a half, sometimes longer, and I don't know how much longer we can keep going like this because its started to effect other parts of our relationship.

October 27, 2010 - 2:09am
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your comment, and for finding EmpowHER. I think everyone knows that in most relationships, particularly when you "settle down" like you and your parter have, there is a natural tapering off of the sex. A month and a half does seem like a long time. It sounds like it bothers you. Do you try to initiate sex? Who usually initiates it on that month and a half? How are you and your partner intimate in other ways? When's the last time you two went out on a date or did something together you like to do? What was that?
If you can remove some pressure from the sex, and focus on what's good in your relationship, maybe it may be easier to get back to where you want to be. If you're still not happy, then I guess you can be happy you're not married yet. There is no reason why you can't say, "Hey, maybe it's time we tried something different." Whatever that means for you two. Just be clear on what that is, and try and avoid drama. It's not easy, because there's a lot of emotion built up in three and a half years, particularly if this is your first serious relationship. It's up to you, and just remember that you deserve to be happy in this relationship. Think about what you need, and don't settle. There is a book called "The Five Love Languages" that may help you figure out what it is you need, and how your partner is in relationships--maybe you can read it together (wishful thinking?).
Here also is an article that may help give you some insight:
Relationship 911
Good luck and let us know how you're doing, or how else we can help.

October 27, 2010 - 7:59am
EmpowHER Guest

Marry him. Then you won't want sex either. Problem solved.

October 23, 2010 - 9:14pm
EmpowHER Guest

I just want to say that y'all are obviously young and I wish you the best. One thing you might possibly consider is that there are highly pervasive messages force-fed to us by the media. After a while, they make their mark. One of the most prevalent is that the male is the sexual aggressor and that the majority of females indulge their partners for reasons other than sexual pleasure. But, that's just my take on things. I'm older, male, and I admit very bitter. Regardless if I'm right or wrong, I hope your situation resolves itself. Take heart in the fact that despite the arguments and issues surrounding sexuality, the Caucasian birth rate has been so suppressed that not only will there be an Hispanic majority in the U.S. by 2049 (hard fact check the U.S. Census Bureau and the P.E.W. Institute), but some speculate that extinction is on the visible horizon. Of course, we would all eventually inter-marry so I suppose that's inevitable. I'm white but I'm sure have African blood in me somewhere and I don't have a problem with that. But be vigilant that there is an ever broadening schism separating white males and females. As to the real reason...who can say? It is what it is. As for me, I can't help but feel somewhat vindicated because like yourself, I always thought there was something wrong with me. The larger vision is that sexless relationships are a mathematical reality for my native culture at large. Questionnaires and polls can be inaccurate or mislead but birth-rate statistics and the projections based on them do not. I'm Catholic and envy the value system of Hispanic people. Hopefully they'll do great things with America. God Bless.

October 23, 2010 - 9:05pm
EmpowHER Guest

Here is a not-so-obvious solution to your dilemma: SPACE.

I do not know if this has been covered in the previous 79 pages of comments but the reason for sexual decline in long term relationships usually has to do with the frequency and consistency of spending time with the other person. The biological reason for a man having sex with a woman is to prevent her from giving birth to a child that is not his. The minimum required for satisfying this goal is around 1-2x per week, which is why most long-term relationships revert to that average level. If you want to increase that average, you have to "trick" the man's body into thinking there is a greater reason to have sex. The way you do this is by not seeing him for prolonged periods of time (1-4 full days per week). Even if you are not cheating on him, his body will perceive the possibility that you have, and will make him want to have sex with you upon your next meeting.

In summary: if you are in a long-term relationship, seeing your partner every day, and watching your sex life drop to zero, change your routine. Give your man a few days of space a week so he can do his own thing and you yours, and watch as he suddenly develops a greater interest in you.

October 23, 2010 - 7:06pm
(reply to Anonymous)

i have not slept in the same bed with my partner for about a week now. We just got the babies room set up. so i have been sleeping on the floor in the babies room or on the couch. My partner kept getting on my nerves so it has reverted to this. for the past few nights ,He asked me if i was comming to bed with him and i said "no i think im gonna stay up because i still have to take a bath and wait till the baby falls asleep". He replied "Ok go take a bath and i will wait for you". I told him to go ahead and go to bed. Also i have been taking naps when he is awake. so i have been pulling myself away from him quite a bit and i am hoping that this works.
I want him to understand how he makes me feel. He makes me feel unwanted and alone sometimes. so i thought i would try this and see if it works. well i can tell you that he looks lonely but his attitude twards me has not changed. we still have not had sex and i am starving for some attention. im going to keep doing this test and hopefully he gives in. but so far this is all that has come of me not being around him

November 24, 2010 - 4:10pm
EmpowHER Guest

Im having similar issues, I am the female but I am the one with more of the sex drive and I am the one who makes the move. He is 25 and I am 21 so its not that hes old or cheating on me. I have talked to him about it and he is just super stressed out fincancialy, it affects his confidence in our relaionship because he cant take me out as much or pay for everything. I think its an insecurity. He let himself go, he gained like 10 pounds, think were just really comfortable with each other as well and hes getting lazy. we still have sex but I take the lead more often. Dont think your guy is cheating on you automatically, guys are sensitive too to stress, it can affect their mood and make them want it less.

October 22, 2010 - 11:24pm

Ok ladies, let me put in my two cents as a guy who was married to the same woman for 23 years. Firstly, she was not that imaginative in bed. The same two positions for years upon years. Sorry to bear the bad news but it would be nice to get a little more kinky than missionary and doggie. Second, she didn't like to give head, but had no problem getting it. Sorry if men thangs are kind of a turn off, we need some kinky oral once in a while. Third, ladies, I love you all BUT so many of you are carrying around extra weight. Men like SKINNY women. You want us to be turned on? Get to the gym. Yes, I agree that men should too. Too often, people let themselves go when they have a solid relationship - me included. Can you admit that you are not as sexy as that twenty something hard body he is working with at the office? Fourth, yes, me do lose their sex drive when they are working too hard and losing sleep! This happened to me many times where I put in 14 hours at work regularly, then could get enough energy to 'produce the goods' for my wife. When I was unemployed, I wanted it all the time! And lastly, I regret to say that after you have done with the same person a million times, even if they are a super model, it just gets old. I adored my ex-wife but I completely lost my desire for her several times during our marriage. I really had to work to get it back! So even though your boyfriend or husband loves you, he may not want to F**K you for one of the reasons mentioned. And of course, he could be cheating. BUT, if he's cheating, please look in the mirror and see what he is really cheating ON. If you're really as hot as you think you are, why is he down the street? Message to both men and women - you need to keep working on your body and watch your diet to stay sexy. Those saddlebags are a true turn off no matter what your mate says!!

October 21, 2010 - 4:30pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to gomer)

you are a pompas pig. If you were married for 23 years count your lucky stars, because no one else will ever want you with that attitude. Who are you to answer this poor little girl? And why are you even reading this? You are some 47 year old pervert. I wonder why your wife didn't want to have sex with you. As far as the post, honey just sit down with your man. Don't turn to the internet. Ignorant answers like this gentleman gave you are all you will get

October 31, 2010 - 7:13pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to gomer)

you are a pompas pig. If you were married for 23 years count your lucky stars, because no one else will ever want you with that attitude. Who are you to answer this poor little girl? And why are you even reading this? You are some 47 year old pervert. I wonder why your wife didn't want to have sex with you. As far as the post, honey just sit down with your man. Don't turn to the internet. Ignorant answers like this gentleman gave you are all you will get

October 31, 2010 - 7:12pm
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