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Knee Replacement Surgery, Is It Painful? - Dr. O'Connor (VIDEO)

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More Videos from Dr. Mary OConnor 30 videos in this series

Dr. O'Connor explains if knee replacement surgery is painful.

Dr. O'Connor:
The patient is not going to feel me working inside their knee. The patient is numbed up, typically from the waist down, and sedated. So they are not aware of what’s going on in the operating room. And they are certainly not going to feel what we are doing with the surgery. So I can reassure, I reassure my patients, you are going to be comfortable in the operating room. You are not going to feel what we are doing. We are going to take good care of you.

About Dr. O'Connor, M.D.:
Dr. Mary O'Connor, M.D., was accepted as a resident in orthopedic surgery at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, New York in 1985. She joined the orthopedic surgery staff at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida in 1991, and since 2005 has served as department chair. Dr. O'Connor cares for people with hip and knee arthritis, failed joint replacements, and pelvic tumors.

Visit Dr. O'Connor at Mayo Clinic