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Weight Watchers® Momentum Plan, What Is This? - Maria Kinirons, R.D. (VIDEO)

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Weight Watchers® Momentum Plan, What Is This? - Maria Kinirons, R.D. (VIDEO)
Weight Watchers® Momentum Plan, What Is This? - Maria Kinirons, R.D. (VIDEO)
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Registered Dietitian Maria Kinirons describes Weight Watchers® Momentum Plan and explains how it differs from other Weight Watchers® weight loss plans.

Registered Dietitian Maria Kinirons:
Our new Momentum program takes a look at what members need to help them get started easier. With our previous plans, the Flex Plan and Core Plan, there were certain principles on both those plans that we found that members, who were not as successful as others, were actually missing from those plans.

For instance, in the Flex Plan, members would, they would have a certain amount of points to eat during the day based on our daily points target. So, many of our members were eating things like 100-calorie snacks and foods that weren’t satisfying or making them feel less hungry. So, quite often on the Flex Plan, you would hear our members say, “Oh, I have used all my points by 4 o’clock,” and then wonder what they were going to do for the rest of the day.

Then our other plan, the Core Plan, which was a great plan and was built around a specific set of foods that members would choose from, but what would happen is, they did not know, in terms of portion control, how much to eat. Even though they were given guidance about physical hunger and that they should stop eating when they’d reach that point of physical satisfaction, sometimes in some cases they were so used to eating huge portions when they would come to us that it was hard for them to get back on track and learn to eat normal portions.

So, what we found was that, for the newer member, who didn’t sort of get these principles, we needed to help them. So, the Momentum program combines those two plans by having people eat what we call filling foods or satisfying foods, but now we put points to those foods so there’s a combination of portion control as well as talking about the kinds of foods you eat that help you feel satisfied.

About Maria Kinirons, R.D.:
Maria Kinirons, R.D., is the senior nutritionist for Weight Watchers International. She works in the program development department and creates the materials members can receive when they attend Weight Watchers' meetings.

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