I was diagnosed with SLE(lupus) in 1984 but I and doctors are sure i had long before that since i had mono more than 3 times! Back than you supposedly could only get it once so that was clue something else was going on. With it I immediately got RA arthritis in both my feet.
I was lucky that i got a great doctor and eventually had great team. I tried to keep working ft than pt as long as i could but eventually fatigue and pain just was too much so i left my job (that i really loved) in 1997. I believe fibro was now part of my health just not diagnosed.
We moved in 2000 up to mtns ...we loved hiking and were trying to hike all of PCT so this was area we had not ventured into....and my husband wanted a quieter area to work. I immediately started getting was told i had fibromaylgia now as well. After a emergency surgery to remove a tumor on ovary...that went 4 hours longer than should have...i ended up with hernia..which i have to this day.
I also suffer from PTSD due to childhood trauma. I found out up here that reason i would pass out from bad period cramps was due to endometriosis. Which they tried to remove but was to invasive.
I had i believe at least one surgery for first 6 years up husbands alcoholism was back as soon as we moved up here in raging sure that contributed to a lot of my health problems. We separated after he finally went into week i was his soul mate next he hated me and blamed me for all that was wrong with his life. He wanted to break me...and eventually he did.
SInce than...i just have not been able to get back to be the naturally optimistic, wake up happy, person I have been all my life. The pain was so bad i cried and eventually found a pain specialist who really helped and got me on healing track.
I had major depression at worse with husband but now i say it is low grade but pills do not help and many affect me very negatively. Like my brain is allergic to some.
So i have some other smaller things like the hernia... ruptured disc..stuff like that but really it is the lupus, fibro and ra plus pain that gets me the most.
The 2nd item is device you must purchase from manufacturer and it is pricey, roughly thousand dollars. But they say is should work much better than TENS unit on much more severe pain as well as ...
siskiyou commented on Anonymous' post medtronic spinal stenosis/alpha stimulator